chapter 1 Rins Attack

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Kagome had stormed off frustrated once again with Inuyasha. I can't believe he went to see Kikyo again! Kagome grumbled as she walked through the forest kicking at the dirt. Inuyasha had been sneaking out more and more to see the deceased priestess. Kagome was hurt and frustrated but mostly done. It hurt to much to love someone who would always love another, sure he could have feeling for her too but he loved Kikyo. Kagome looked up to see Rin bust though the brushes panicking. Hot on the small girl tail was a wolf. Kagome was quick to draw her bow. "Hit the mark." She fired an arrow taking the crazed beast down in a single shot. She set the bow down and ran to Rin who had trip and was crying on the ground. Kagome wrapped the girl in her arms and began to do what she could to calm the child. "Shh shhh it's ok your safe now." The poor girl was tariffed of wolves after the pack hand riped her to pieces when she first met Seshomaru. If it wasn't for Seshomaru she would still be dead.

Seshomaru burst though the bushes furiously. "You he hissed" spotting Kagome his eyes blaises red nostrils falring. He was ready to rip her apart thinking she was the cause of the sent Rins blood that had sent him into a frenzy.

Rin stoped crying looking up to see Seshomaru, "Lord Seshomaru!" Rin was beyond happy to see the demon she tried to stand but winced I'm pain. "My leg it hurts" she whimpered looking at Kagome Seshomaru pulled his eyebrows together in anger and confusion.

Kagome pulled away to see the wolf managed to scratch her, it was a deep gouge. Kagome pulled off her backpack and dug for the first aid. She put and antibacterial ointment on the cut and wrapped it carefully. After she hand finished cleaning and dressing the injury Kagome gave her an aspirin for the pain. Seshomaru watched every move carefully. "It was a wolf" Kagome answered the unasked question without looking up.

Jakin glaired at Kagome for not showing Seshomaru the proper respect. Rin stood up feeling much better she shuffle over to Seshomaru with a limp. He picked her up setting her on the two headed dragon. Seshomaru turned back to Kagome and much to her surprise he bowed his head. "Thank you for saving her miko (priestess)" he tured and walked away.

Jakin was freaking out "why would you thank a filthy human girl my lord!?" The small green demon was quite upset.

Kagome stood there quitly she wasn't sure what had just happened. She blinked after a few minutes pulling herself out of the daze. Mmm he does have a soft side. He must have been so worried about her. Kagome thought walking back to the village. She completely forgotten about her fight with Inuyasha she was so lost in thought.

"Back all ready hu?" Inuyasha asked still mad from a few sit commands during their fight.

"Hummm oh ya" Kagome said helping Sango with dinner.

"Your sure in a good mood" Sango noted with a questioning look.

Kagome shook her head "no I was just thinking." When Sango looked at her with a raised eyebrow Kagome decided to speak up. "Well if Seshomaru hates all humans, why does he have that human girl with him?"

"The hell should I know why he does what he does. But he definitely hates humans." Inuyasha grumbled annoyed with the topic. Why the hell does she care anyway Seshomaru is an ass. The half demon was in an even worse mood now.

Kagome couldn't help but remember how worried and angry Seshomaru looked he was almost in a panic. Or how relived he looked when he saw Rin was safe the demon obviously cared deeply for the girl.

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