chapter 4 The Castle

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"The water here has healing properties." Sesshomaru said nodding to the enormous room. It had a mountain at the end of the huge bath as well as trees growing throughout the room. Kagome soon realized there was no roof on this room giving her the perfect view of the night sky. Sesshomaru walked to the edge of the water leaving his back to Kagome, his kimono dropped the floor leaving him complete naked. He walked slowly into the water and without turning around said. "The water is cool enough for humans."

Kagome blushed slightly realizing that was Sesshomaru's way of inviting her in. She looked at Sesshomaru he was mid-waist deep his back still turned. She looked around the empty room before deciding to follow Sesshomaru. With shaking hands she removed the band from her kimono letting it fall to the ground. She slowly pulled off the layers of her kimono letting them fall.

Buy the time Kagome hand stepped in the water Sesshomaru had been standing there for at least twenty minutes. He hadn't moved a muscle. Sesshomaru smiled hearing the water as Kagome stepped in but remind facing the other way.

Kagome took a breath she knew that after this everything would be different. Not that anything would ever be the same anyway. That kiss had mad it obvious, she touched her lips at the memory. She walked forward until she was centimeters away.

With Turing Sesshomaru held out a hand for her to take. She softly placed her hand in his and he set her hand on his shoulder placing his hand on top of hers. That small amount of encouragement was just what she needed she stepped forward closing the distance. She pressed up against his back leaning her head against there hands.

After a moment of standing there Sesshomaru took her hand and press it to his lips. He then tuned in a flawless motion never breaking contact. He wrapped his arms around her and kisses the top of her head. Kagome had her hand on his well define pecks and she buried her face into his chest. Sesshomaru took her chin between his index finger and tumb gently pulling her face to look up at him. She could get lost in his eyes so many emotions swimming around I'm them. He softly pushed his lips on hers. What started off as a soft sweet kiss was quickly changing to passion and lust as Sesshomaru pushed his toung into Kagomes mouth only pulling apart for air.

"I love you." Kagome said looking into his eyes.

Sesshomaru smiled sweetly "Then I am yours" his eyes burned with a passion and Love Kagome had never seen before. She moaned softly as he wrapped an arm around her a waist pulling her closer into a lustful kiss.

*. *. *. *. *. *

Kagome woke in a large bed it was dusk already. She could see the sun setting out the balcony doors. Her head was resting on Sesshomarus chest. The beautiful man under her was still asleep she had never seen him with such a peaceful express. She lay there as still as possible watching Sesshomaru sleep.

"Ahh Lady Kagome your awake, shall I bring you something to eat?" A short elderly demon woman asks softly.

Kagome was slightly startled the sudden voice. Sesshomaru's eyes fluttered open at the movement in the bed. Kagome looked down apologetically. Then back to the demon. "I'm -I'm ok." She mumbled looking back to Sesshomaru as he sat up.

"Bobba has she eaten yet?" Sesshomaru asked the demon.

"No my lord. She can't have been up more then an hour." Bobba bowed.

"Fetch some fruit with breakfast would you." Sesshomaru said waving his wrist dismissing the demon Bobba. The demon bowed and left. He put an arm around Kagomes waist flipping there position effectively pinning her to the bed with a playful smile. "Your human body is fragile, I won't have my mate going hungry." He said nuzzling her neck.

Kagome giggled she was getting used to this affectionate side of the demon. Sesshomaru licked her neck softly hitting a tender spot she winced slightly. "The pain will fade soon." Kagome gave him a confused look.

Sesshomaru got out of bed butt ass naked, walked over to the closet grab his regular white pants and slip them on. He then grabbed the kimono white and red, the one that said someone who normally wore. He brought it over to Kagome. "Thank you." She said as she slipped the kimono on not bothering to tie it but let it hang loose in front. Sesshomaru took her by the hand leading to a large mirror where he stood behind her.

Kagome inhaled sharply as she reached up to softly touch the bite mark on her neck. "It's a mate mark. They pain will fade but the mark will stay." Sesshomaru said his lips brushed lightly against her neck sending a shiver down her spine.

Bobba walked I'm placing a try of sliced fruit on the bed as well as two steaks looking quite bloody. "Dinner my Lord." She bowed and exited it was a an elegant looking display.

Sesshomaru had the best table Manor's Kagome had seen in futile Japan. She had a few bites of steak bit then switched to the fruit, "is the meat not to your liking?" Sesshomaru asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Im just used to it being cooked a bit more." Kagome said taking another bite of fruit.

"Apologies they are not used to cooking the meat. We can fix it?" Sesshomaru said with a soft smile.

Kagome shook her head. "This is fine thank you." She gently kissed his cheek. "We should get back to the others soon or they'll worry. I just disappeared without a word." Kagome said looking at the now dark sky.

"Mmm tomorrow we will, for tonight we should enjoy being alone." Sesshomaru said pushing a piece of fruit into his mouth. The moment Kagome had finished eating Bobba came in and collected the plates, it was like the old woman could read minds. "Thank you Bobba. In the future humans don't eat meat that still bleeds."

"Really!? I'll keep that in mind my lord." She bowed and then left.

Sesshomaru did even wait for the old lady to leave the room. Sesshomaru and flipped to hover over Kagome pressing his lips passionately against hers. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck.

*. *. *. *. *

It was late in the day when Kagome opened her eyes Sesshomaru was petting her head softly. It was nearly noon judging by where the sun was in the sky. It couldn't be helped seeing as she had been kept up late into into the night. Sesshomaru relentlessly explored every inch of her body. The two eat because of course Bobba was in with food shortly after they had woke up. "Could you send them in" Sesshomaru said when Bobba picked the plates up.

"Yes my lord." Bobba bowed and left dishes in hand.

Kagome looked curiosity at Sesshomaru but her unasked question was answered when five demons walked in each holding an elegant kimono. "Pick one." Sesshomaru said gestureunging to the kimonos.

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