I'll Never Tell: Chapter 1

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I'll Never Tell 




"The whereabouts of Brydan Vanderhall, age seventeen, of Cartersville, Georgia, are still unknown. Authorities have been sweeping the area for three straight days now, with no end in sight..." A lump the size of Texas forms in Annalexis Delaney's throat, as she watched the CNN news through tear filled eyes. Her boyfriend, Brydan Vanderhall, had gone missing three days ago after abruptly leaving a party at her best friend, Mila Lawson's house. "Friends of Brydan say they seen him take off down the road just after midnight on Friday night, leaving a party held by a friend, and that was the last they seen of him...If anyone has any information that could help bring him home, please contact your local authorities."

Lexy then hastily grabs the remote a switches the television off, and buries her face in one of her couches red pillows, and takes deep breaths to calm herself. Ever since Sunday night, every time she turned on her TV, she saw Brydan's picture staring back at her. A picture taken of him at Lexy's 16th birthday party, two weeks ago. A picture she took.

"Come on, smile Brydan!" Lexy waits for Brydan to smile for her pink Sony digital camera, and when he doesn't comply, Lexy pooches out her lower lip. "Please, bry bry. For me? It is my birthday, after all."

Brydan then cracks a smile, and quickly forces it away. "Do I have to, Lexy?" he whines.

"Yes, now smile, Brydan."

When Brydan finally smiles, Lexy quickly snaps the shot. "Now, was that so painful?" Lexy asks with a giggle.

"Yes, very." he mumbles wraps Lexy in a hug, and kisses her neck.

Lexy? Someone was calling for her, but it sounded really far off. "Lexy!" Lexy then jolts straight up, startled. It was her older sister, Brooke. Brooke was a senior at Cartersville High School, and a cheerleader, of course. Brooke fit the cheerleader stereotype perfectly; beautiful, smart, annoyingly perky, and popular. Lexy wasn't her sisters biggest fan.

"Are you alright?" Brooke asked, sounding concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Lexy says curtly. Lexy then looks away from her sister and sees that the TV is back on and Brydan's face is staring at her again. She winces. Brydan was so beautiful to look at, but now it just hurt Lexy to look at him. Brydan had short honey blonde hair, year round tan from staying at the beach all day, and dark blue eyes. A tear then slips from Lexy's eye, and she quickly whips it away. "Can you please turn that off, or at least change it?" she asks in an annoyed tone, but her voice was quivering at the same time.

"Oh." Brooke quickly reaches for the remote, and switches it to Family Guy. "Sorry."

"Do you think he's okay?" Brooke asks quietly.

"I hope so." Lexy replies, equally as quiet. She then gets up from the couch and walks slowly to her room. Her head felt heavy, and her eyes stung from crying so much. Lexy had tried repeatedly to call Brydan's cell phone, but every time she pressed send, it went straight to voice mail. Lexy had this sinking feeling in her stomach that Brydan wasn't okay, but every time that thought pushed through, she quickly recoiled, and repeated the mantra Brydan's not dead in her head numerous times.

If he is, I don't wanna know, Lexy thought to herself as she laid down flat on her stomach, on her queen sized, red quilted bed. Lexy's Palm then lit up. Lexy then reached to pick it up from her night stand, and checked the screen. Mila. Lexy then hit ignore. She didn't feel much like talking right now. The sound of everyone's sympathetic voices only made it worse. Could they not understand that any reminders of what was going on made her snap? Obviously not.

* * *

The next morning, Lexy's eyes flew open at the sound of her alarm on her phone. She then sleepily shut it off and slowly rose up. Lexy then scrolls through her contacts, and presses send when she reached Brydan's name. Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice messaging system...Lexy then remembered, Brydan was missing. Lexy then crumbles back down to her bed and begins bawling. She had forgotten.

Every morning, since the beginning of high school, Lexy called Brydan to wake him up. The habit was still there even though he was missing. The past two mornings have been a painful reminder.

Then there was a knocking at her door. Lexy then hurriedly wipes away her tears, and sits up. "Yeah?" she croaks out.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" asks Lexy's mom, Gina.

"Uh... Y-yeah. I'll be out in a minute."

Lexy then hears her moms foot steps slowly walk away, without a word.

* * *

Looking as if nothing was wrong, Lexy Delaney steps off of her front porch and to her Mazda 3 in the driveway (the car she had received for her birthday). Her hair was golden blonde with a touch of brown, and stick straight, her eyes were light blue, and the make up she wore made her eyes pop. The stares she was getting from passerby's was making her feel uneasy. Without looking, she knew what look the were giving her. The pity look.

The people of Cartersville had grown so used to seeing Lexy and Brydan together, they almost view them as one person now. That burnt Lexy up most of the time. She was Lexy. Not Brydan and Lexy.

Lexy loved Brydan, but she hated the fact that whenever someone would come up to her, they would ask, Where's Brydan? On most days she wanted to scream, I don't know! in the people's faces, but on other days, she just simply sighed and shrugged. It almost seemed like people only wanted to talk to her if Brydan was around.

Ten minutes later Lexy is stepping through the doors of Cartersville High School. She stares at the ground, not wanting to meet the eyes of the people who were saying, Isn't that the Brydan's girlfriend?

For the rest of that week, Lexy avoided the pity filled stares of her classmates. She knew if she seen the looks on their faces, she would think about it. It would trigger a crying fit, she didn't want to come.

Late Friday night, as Lexy was sitting on the couch with her parents and sister, the news flipped on. Lexy's widened at what she saw.


At that moment, all the cell phones and even the house phone started ringing loudly. But to Lexy, all the sounds sounded like she was hearing them through hear muffs. Lexy then felt dizzy, and then her eyes snapped shut.



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