Chapter 2

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Annalexis? Darkness engulfed her, her head was throbbing horribly, and an unfamiliar voice was calling her by her real name; which annoyed Lexy.

"Ms. Delaney?" asked a mans voice. Her eyes snapped open and a bright light was shining in her eyes. She then squeezed them shut, avoiding the brightness of the light.

"Annalexis, you need to keep your eyes open. I need to examine you." said the mans voice again. Annoyed, Lexy opened them up again. "It's Lexy." she snapped. The doctor with gray and black hair, and green eyes nodded thoughtfully, unfazed by her rudeness. Normally, that would have made her feel guilty, but today she wasn't in the mood for being polite.

A moment later it finally registered to Lexy where she was; she was in the hospital. Cartersville Medical Center to be exact. She had already been admitted to a room of her own, and she was hooked up to an annoying IV. Other than the doctor, her mom, dad, and sister were in the room. Her sister perched up on the window sill, her mom curled up on the recliner with a blanket and a magazine, and her dad stretched out on the recliner, asleep.

"What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" Lexy asked, confused.

"You hit your head really hard the other night on the coffee table." answered her mom.

"The other night? How long have I been in here?"

"Two days." says her mom. Her moms eye brows furrow and she presses her lips together. Lexy then knows there's something she's not telling her.

"Wait? What happened? How'd I hit my head?" she asks.

"You don't remember, Lexy?" asks the doctor.

"No..." she answers. "What's going on?"

"What's the last thing you remember?" interrupts the doctor.

"Uhhh." Lexy says, searching her memory. "Being at Gondolier's with you all, and Brydan."

"Lexy, honey, that was last Wednesday." says her mom as her eyes begin to fill up with tears.

"What are you all not telling me? What am I not remembering?" Lexy asks frantically, trying her hardest to remember. Nothing. Brooke then lets out a gasping sob, and brings her hand to her mouth quickly, and hurries out the room. Lexy's hands begin to shake.

Lexy's mom then gets up from the recliner, walks up to Lexy's bed, and grabs her hand. Then her mom says in a quiet voice, "I'm very sorry baby, but...Brydan is gone."

* * *

He can't be gone, Lexy thought to herself as she stared blankly at the TV as an episode of That 70's Show was on. Lexy's eyes were swollen and red from crying for two hours straight, by the second hour Dr. Zimmerman decided to give her Zoloft to calm her.

All Lexy wanted to do was cry, but because of the medicine, she couldn't. She couldn't feel anything. Despite all the medication, Lexy couldn't help but feel like there was a gaping hole in her chest.

Lexy's room was empty, with the exception of the IV she was hooked up too. Brooke and her parents had escaped to the cafeteria to get something to eat. She couldn't understand why she was still here. She was awake now, and she felt okay, although she still had a killer headache. When Lexy had asked the doctor why she couldn't leave, he threw out the excuse that she had to stay overnight for "observation". Lexy felt like tossing her bed pan at him for that.

Lexy's door then clicked open and in stepped Mila. "Lexy! Oh my God! Are you alright? I was so worried about you." Mila then leans down and gives Lexy a hug. "Yeah, I'm fine." Lexy replies flatly, still staring at the television.

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