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hold me while you wait • lewis capaldi

The wind outside was harsh against the castle. It was a cold winter, taking over the dungeons. Stone wasn't the best insulator, and fire could only go so far. Addy pulled out her extra blankets for comfort, trying to keep in every bit of warmth she could. Her shift of patrol just ended, meaning she could finally retire for the night. She decided against going to the Manor for Christmas, trying to avoid her father as much as possible. She had received some nasty letters from him with the subject of her and Fred, but she managed to keep him at bay, lying and telling him it was just to get close to his family. He believed her for the time being, but she wanted to limit her interactions with him. That way, she couldn't cave and tell him the truth. The less time she spent with Lucius, the less apt he was to knowing the depth of their relationship.

That evening, Fred and Addy had a long walk around the castle. They talked about many things, including the mishap on the quidditch pitch the month prior. She had already apologized to George for her brothers actions, and the two were on good terms. Fred and Addy tried to not let it bother them. Fred understood that she would do anything to protect her brother, as would he. It wasn't that she was defending his actions, she just didn't want to see him hurt. The twins understood that now, knowing that the situation was high tension and messy. There was a lot of miscommunication and they didn't want it to ruin the bond they'd made.

On this walk, Fred also asked her if she would like to join his family for Christmas. After a few moments of doubt, she agreed. Nothing would make her holiday more complete. They had plans to go to Hogsmeade and apparate to Grimmauld Place, ensuring her parents wouldn't see her at Kings Cross Station. Until then, she was stuck in the cold dungeon waiting to finally have a Christmas celebration where she felt at home. She dreamt of it for years — Christmas at the Manor was not the most loving atmosphere. It was routine to open gifts and eat together, but she knew this year would have been especially bad. Her father had gone downhill greatly since The Dark Lord had returned. He was on edge constantly and was willing to do anything to please him. Lucius was on bad terms with Voldemort since his first defeat.

Addy tossed and turned in her bed, cold and more awake than ever. The events of the year left her lying awake when she should be asleep. It happened often. Her mind was always working on something, never ready to be turned off. She was too worried about what was going to happen to her or Fred, or what The Dark Lord's return truly meant. She was always someone who worried about everything, she just chose not to show it. It was easier to deal with by herself. That way nobody knew what was happening or told her anything she didn't want to hear. She didn't respond to comfort well, considering the family she came from, so she tried to avoid it completely. She did a great job at it until she got together with Fred. He always seemed to know when something was wrong, and he absolutely would not ignore it. It was never like him to be quiet anyway.

She laughed audibly at the thought. It was true, Fred spent more time talking than he did not. She was sure he even did it in his sleep, though she never really checked to see if it was true. She sighed, throwing the covers off her. She knew sleep was not going to come easily, so she decided to tire herself out. She threw on her everyday robes again, leaving her pyjamas laying on her bed. She took her hair down from its tie and let it fall down her shoulders. Even if Filch caught her, she was positive she could get out of trouble. She was one of the few students he didn't despise. Just because she disliked him didn't mean she got on his bad side. She threw her wand in her pocket and put her shoes on, closing her door behind her. She took the stairs to the common room, hearing giggling before she actually appeared. She rolled her eyes when she heard voices whispering back and fourth.

When she got inside, she saw Adrian with a fifth year wrapped around him. She held back an audible gag as the two turned to look at her. The fifth year shot up, embarrassed to be caught by the head girl. Or was it because she was scared of Addy? Adalinda wasn't sure anymore. Being head girl held power just as well as being a Malfoy did. The two together just meant that even her friends were scared to talk to her sometimes. She pushed the thought away as the girl scuttled past her and back to her dorm. Adrian moved, slinging his arm over the back of the couch, giving her a sideways grin. He was way too cocky for who he was.

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