Chapter Ten

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“If I share the same ability as you do, then prove it!” I screamed. “I know I’m not an evil crazy person like you are!”

“I was with you on your first day of school. I somehow knew that you were going to practice it that day, but I had no idea you were so clueless!”

“Again, I don’t know what you mean,” I told her.

“I believe it was during your AP Chemistry class, and I was wondering when you were going to practice it. Then, you saw how high the class was to the ground, and you remembered that you were deathly afraid of heights. Subconsciously, without even realizing it, you were scared that you were going to fall of the roof of the building.”

Frantically, I searched my brain. I did see that someone jumped off the roof, but now that she is telling it to me like that, I was thinking that the figure fell off the building instead.

“Angela?” asked Trevor.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“When I asked if you were okay during class, you weren’t?” Trevor sounded so sleepy for some reason. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“That was because I didn’t want to rope you into all of this craziness,” I replied. “I guess it didn’t work because I didn’t tell my family of what’s going on, and they’re here.”

I looked over to my parents. My father was just silent with his head down. When he looked up at me, he looked so drained of energy. My mother who was to the right of him was sobbing quietly and uncontrollably. She looked pale. I took a look at my surroundings, and I saw that everyone was draining of energy.

Everyone except me.

“Amy! What’s going on?” I demanded. “What are you doing to them?”

“I’m not doing anything,” she said. “They are.”

All of a sudden, the pile of sticks in the center of our circle bursted into flames, and tens of hundreds of ghosts appeared all around us. Seven of them holding the wrists of the people around me.

I looked over at Quinn, hoping that he somehow managed to get free. One of the ghost’s hand was grasping Quinn’s hand, the other hand was holding the stick.

“What’s going on, Amy?” I said to her. “What are you doing to them?”

“I’m using them to convince you to join me,” she said.

“Why would I join you? I’m nothing like you, and I would never even want to use my powers.”

“Because if you don’t, I will drain each and every one of them until they die, and, then, even if you are too stubborn to join me. I will make you!”

“How would that even work? You’re dead, and I’m alive.”

Amy tipped her head back and laughed.

“You really are clueless aren’t you?” she asked me. “Haven’t you figured it out? I plan for you to join me in death!”

At first, I was about to say that it would be years before I die, and then I realized why the bonfire was there. If I were to join her, I would need to burn in that fire.

“Ahh, I see you’ve finally figured out what I want you to do,” Amy said.

“No, I won’t do it,” I said.

“Fine, then I’ll just kill one of these innocent people,” she said indignantly. “But which one. On one hand, I can’t wait to kill Xavier, but on the other hand, Trevor or one of your family members dying will certainly convince you to come with me.”

“Angela…” Trevor weakly said. “Don’ don’t need this.”

“I guess I’ll start with Trevor first then,” Amy said. “You want to die don’t you.”

“I…” he started. “want…”

“Stop!” I demanded. “Stop doing these horrible things with your mind.”

“Then jump into the bonfire!” she screamed.

The ropes fell behind me, and I knew I had to make a choice.

“Angela…” my mother pleaded, “don’t…”

“Mom, no, I have to. Or else, you guys won’t be able to be free. I know I’ve been a brat lately, but you have to trust me on this,” I told her sadly. “Besides, it’s my fault that you’re in this mess. If it wasn’t for me not telling you what was happening. I’m sorry for everything.”

Slowly, I walked toward the fire. My heart beating rapidly, my palms sweating, and my legs trembling, I made my way toward the bonfire. Amy was looking on, pleased with what she was seeing. My parents watching, horrified of what was to come. Me looking at the fire, which really was only about five feet high. Amy, who was in front of Quinn facing me, started glowing, and I was lifted off my feet and hovered over the fire. I could feel the flames itching to reach me. Tears streaming my eyes, I looked to my parents. There were so many things I wanted to say to them...but I knew it was too late for that. I felt cold, even though a roaring fire was beneath my feet.

When people say that just before you die, your life flashes before you. That was what happened to me. From when I was just a three year old girl, playing with my babysitter, Cheryl, to my first day of kindergarten when I cried the whole time, wishing that my mother was there. Throughout elementary school, where I made so many friends, argued with them, hanging out with April and Madeline. I even remember having my first crush on a guy named Stephen. To the first time I presented something in class and actually being okay with a crowd of people. To the summer I found out I was moving across the nation, crying over it with my two best friends. To actually making a new best friend...even if he and I never got to know each other well. I remembered the good and the bad times, the funny and embarrassing. Everything. I realized that even though I lived a short life, I lived happily with my friends and family. It’s sad how my life lived to a fiery end.

“Don’t cry,” Amy said in an empathetic voice. “Think about it this way, your life isn’t ending. You are going to live forever being the most powerful spirit in my army.”

I only cried harder, and my tears fell into the bonfire, which only evaporated once it got close to it. I never knew how much I would be missing, my high school graduation, my wedding, having my own almost seems like a waste.

“Is there anything you would like to say, Angela?” Amy continued.

There were no words. I could only shake my head.

“Fine then,” she responded.

I closed my eyes...and felt gravity pull me down.

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