☆ Part Nine ☆

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Dancing with Ondreaz was unexplainable. My heart was racing but at the same time, I don't think I've had this much fun dancing in a while.
The dance ended with the two of us face to face. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest from how fast it was beating.
Once the song had ended, I pulled away from the embrace he had me in.
Taking a seat on the floor with my back against the wall, Ondreaz joined me.
"So what role are you hoping for in the play?" Ondreaz asks, starting up a conversation.
"I don't know. I kinda wanna be a pink lady." I shrug.
"How about you?" I add.
"Oh, It was compulsory to audition because I'm a dance scholar. I don't really mind what I get." Ondreaz explains.
I nod my head in understanding.
There's silence for a few moments.
"So, what are you doing after school?" Ondreaz asks, breaking the silence.
"I have a shift at work." I shrug before looking up at Ondreaz to add.
"Why do you ask?" My heart begins to beat faster for some reason.
"Oh, um- Just curious." He replies.
"Oh okay." I awkwardly reply.
Ondreaz diverts his attention from me to the ground.
"So what do you think about Heather?" He replies.
Silence fills the room momentarily again before I finally speak up.
"Well, umm... Heather is the best person I know...She's so sweet and umm, smart. Sometimes I even wish I could be
More like her." I state, my voice becoming weaker from each word.
If Heather were in this position, she would talk me up regardless of her feelings.
"And um, she's the prettiest girl in this school. Beautiful inside and out. She's a diamond in a school full of coal." I laugh nervously at the end, my heart sinking.
"Oh....well, Thanks. Yeah, she does seem pretty cool." Ondreaz states.
"You gonna ask her out or something?" I ask, trying to sound uninterested.
"Don't be jealous, Dawson. You're the only girl I care about." Ondreaz jokes, winking at me.
"Shut up." I roll my eyes, amused by his little joke.
Ondreaz pouts at me like a little puppy.
"Stop that." I laugh, pushing his face away from me.
"Your words hurt, Hanna." Ondreaz holds a hand up to his heart, a jokingly pained expression on his face.
The bell rings signalling the end of class.
"Tough." I state replying to his previous statement, ending the conversation as I quickly stand up and dash into the hallway.
"Hanna!" A voice calls from further down the hallway.
"Hey." I greet, stopping in my tracks to let her catch up, a fake smile plastered on my face.
"Hey, love." She responds once standing by my side.
"So, Heather and I spent all of last lesson talking about the dance and everything. Having a sleepover Saturday to go over details and stuff. Everyone on the committee is invited so come along." She states, checking her nails in the process.
"Oh, um. I think I'm doing something Saturday but-" I reply, making up an excuse on the spot before she interrupts me.
"Oh no." Her interest still on her perfect manicure.
"Anyways, gotta go. See you." She adds before waltzing down the hall to somewhere clearly more interesting that this conversation.
Rolling my eyes, I check my phone to see a message from Heather.
Questioning whether to reply, I decide to leave it.
I'm not in the mood to talk about the dance or for heather to coerce me into going to Sadie's house.
Readjusting the strap of my backpack, I head to biology.
"So class, for homework, I want you to do the worksheets I've handed out and to revise chapter twenty three for a mini test next week." Miss Astell explains, erasing the whiteboard of writing from today's class.
"Hanna. Could you stay behind for a moment." She adds, crossing her arms as she waits for the class to filter into the hallways.
"Did I do something wrong?" I ask in a joking tone although I was partially asking seriously.
"No, of course not. I actually wanted to talk to you about Heather." She explains, causing me to raise an eyebrow in confusion.
If this is about Heather, why not ask her? I'm not her assistant.
"I've had some chats with other teachers and they agree that Heather's work has been suffering a bit recently. I don't want to invade but I was just curious as to whether you knew what's up?" She adds, trying to be cautious with how she phrased it.
"I don't think there is anything outside of school that could be effecting it but you know how busy she can be with all her extra curriculars. Sport teams, being head girl, organising social events. She has a lot on her plate." I try to reason, before adding.
"I'll be sure to help her out where I can. Don't you worry, miss." I smile, taking a step back as if to end the conversation.
"Oh, and Hanna!" Miss calls once I've approached the door.
"Yes?" I smile.
"Good job in class today. I can tell you've been studying." She smiles back causing my smile to become more of a proud grin.
"Thanks miss." I nod my head in appreciation before exiting through to the hallway.
Thank god the school day is over.
Striding through the hallways to the exit for the car park, bursting through the door, the fresh air hits me as I'm embraced by a soft breeze.
Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I check to see that I have another text from Heather.


I told Kio we're going to his party.

I spoke to the girls and said I'd rather go with you 😉

Hezza :
All of us wearing the same colour was a stupid idea.

Sadie's having a sleepover this Saturday to talk about the dance and everything. Will you come?

Haneyyyyyy. Stop being such a good student and check your phoneee

Han, imma forgive you for airing me all afternoon but for the love of all that is good in this world, DON'T FORGET CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS ARE @ 430!

After scrolling through my messages, I quickly check the time
I'm screwed.
Turning away from my chance of freedom, I sprint to my locker to grab my sports kit before bolting to the locker room to change.
Once in the changing area, I ignore the overwhelming scent of sweat and cologne and start changing into my kit.
"Hanna?" Masculine voice questions causing me to spin around to face Ondreaz and this other dude, my topless figure on full show.
"Oh my god!" I manage to say as I quickly throw on my top to cover myself.
"Why are you in the boys locker room?" Ondreaz asks, amused by the whole situation.
"Nice bra." I guy beside him blurts causing me to roll my eyes, a blush forming on my face in embarrassment.
Ignoring the other guys statement, I focus my attention on how Ondreaz's question.
"I was in a rush. I'm late for cheerleading tryouts. Heather's going to murder me." I state, fixing my outfit so that it's on correctly.
"Say no more." Ondreaz states.
"Taylor, get out." Ondreaz states to the guy stood beside him.
Rolling his eyes, Taylor obliges as he exits for the football field.
"I'm gonna go stand by the door to make sure no one comes in. You finish changing, Miss Cheerleader." Ondreaz laughs at his own joke.
"I gotta say, Dawson. You're full of surprises." Ondreaz laugh as he leaves to go watch the door.
My stomach flutters with butterflies from his kind gesture.
After changing, I cringe at the fact that Ondreaz and the Taylor dude just saw me without a top.
Mentally facepalming, I try to shake it off as I run out to the side of the field that tryouts were taking place, a crowd of girls already there.
This day sucks.

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