Eda's Letter

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Hey kid,

Bet you weren't expecting to hear from me anytime soon. 

Anyhow, I was feeling lonely and decided to write you a letter. And just to be nice, I offered your nerd friends to do the same.

You know me, so don't expect me to get all sentimental or anything like that. I'm just writing to see how you're doing.

How's school? You the top of your class yet? What about your magic? I bet the other humans all fear you and worship you as some kinda god.

Life is pretty different here without you. I always just kinda thought it would go back to normal, but no. I find myself reciting my techniques out loud when no one's listening, or encouraging King or one of your friends to keep trying.

Oh who am I kidding? Listen, you tell anyone about this, and I'll make sure you never see the light of day again. But I miss you, a lot. Before you came, it was just me and King, hiding out in the Owl House, and running from the long arm of the law. Then you showed up and asked me to teach you to become a witch. Now that I think of it, I never really pulled through on that promise, but still, having you around was a blast. You're honestly the best thing that ever happened to me. 

Oh dear lord, listen to me, I'm starting to cry. I'll level with you; you may think you learned a lot from me, but I learned just as much from you: how to care, how to be honest with myself, how to defend the ones I love, and how to love in general.

King's still an egomaniac, but he's not as bad as before you met it. I find myself scratching his belly in your place sometimes, and actually enjoying it.

Like I said, tell anyone about this, and you're dead, but I'll leave you with one last lesson. Never be afraid to be who you really are. Make mistakes, learn from them. Make friends, show off what you've learned, whether it be from me or Hexside. And if those brats don't like you for it, that's on them. But never feel like you should hide who you are.

Well, that's officially the most sentimental I've ever gotten, so I'd better end this letter. It was good writing to you, kiddo. If you ever find yourself in the Boiling Isles again, you know you have a home here in the Owl House.


Your teacher and friend,

Edalin "The Owl Lady" Clawthorne

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