🎨leave me please🎨

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🎨leave me please🎨


soft words soothes ears like honey drops
bouquet of fresh tulips scents all norms

scented candles burned after lightening path all night
giggles of hope all drowned in tears of twilight

but why to wait for illusions all life
lets end all moments of our life

walk away with thou heart full of love
let me live in dark forever with my dove

enlighten someone else with thou glittery eyes
and then pierce the silky curtain of dreams nice

pack all cozy smooches in thou luggage
return thou all chrysanthemum of memories

leave me forever before the night falls
fairies of heart awake on listening thou steps

lets zero all moments and leave me please
reach thou destination before the rain falls please


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💚Spring whisper💚by💚K.Bunny💚Where stories live. Discover now