Chapter 18

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Unknown's pov

"What's the update on her? " I ask as lean back on the swivel chair.

I still don't know how someone like her, has managed to evade me till now.

But I know her too well,  soon,  very soon she'll make a mistake like she always does and I'll be here waiting to catch her and put an end to both our misery.

This has to stop,  she is the only obstacle to my plans and once I get my hands on her, I'll make her pay, I'll give her the worst moments of her life and finally put her through a slow painful death.

"No boss, nothing yet. We've been on the look out at the possible places she could be at but there's been no trace of her "

"No trace of her interesting.  Now I have a new order for you"  I say to the doofus standing in front of me.

"What is it boss?? "

"Take" I say curtly pointing at the gun on my table.

"Boss?? " He replies reluctantly picking it up.

"Now my orders for you are pretty simple and it will be best for you to do them or.... " I say.

Standing up , I walk towards the front of the table where he's standing and sit on it.

"Ok boss "

'Good,  now point that gun at your head and pull the trigger " I say with the coldest tone possible.

"Boss?? "

"You heard me,  I hate incompetence. You've been searching for a teenage girl for quite a long time without results. Now tell me do you think your efforts have been good enough?? " I say calmly.

"No boss, please boss give me one last chance I promise I won't fail " the whimpering coward says.

"Jack you heard me, point that gun at your head and pull the trigger "

"Boss please don't do this, I've loyal to you for a long time now,  give me one more chance "

Is this dude serious??

"You know what, you're right. Give me the gun " I say.

Seeing the hesitant look on his face,  I nod my head as a sign of assurance.

"Thanks boss I promise I won't fail you "

"I know you won't, you'll have to be alive to do that " I say.

As I pull the trigger and his lifeless body hits the floor , all I think is that this is for the greater good.

"Drake! " I call out.

"Yes boss" Drake says walking in.

He stops dead in his tracks as he sees the body on the floor.

"Clean up this mess and pass this message to all the guys,  as long as you take orders from me, I won't tolerate incompetence in my circle. Enough time has been wasted from now on we move "

"Yes boss " he replies.

I don't care what I have to do, I don't care about who I have to sacrifice.

One thing's certain, Andrea Carson must be found.

Dead or alive.

Heyyyy guys,

Finally an update.

I'm sorry it took this long to update, from now the daily updates begins again.

Sooo any thoughts on who the boss is??

Let me know in the comments section.

And hey don't forget to vote.

Trezzy loves y'all 💋❤💕

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