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I was immediately becoming close friends with sam. today all of us are going to the theme park. so my outfit was a 5sos band shirt, light jean skinny jeans,neff black beanie, and vans. we headed there and sam and i were talking about when we go back home.
"Will we be in touch" he asked
"Yes you have my number." i smiled to him.
I look at nash and halliee. holding hands ans laughing. i texted him real quick.
i kind of felt bad when i texted marcy fuck you. a ding left my pocket and i let go of hails hand to see who.the screen popped up as
Hey i though you and whore face are breaking up
Me her another chance
I put my phone in my pocket and held her hand.
"Who was that" she snickered to me.
"Marcy why" i said
"I thought you hated her" she said crossing her arms.
"Im just being nice cause cam is her cousin" i explained.
She smiled and grasped my arm.
I looked back and ive never seen marcy be this happy. she looked up at me and smiled but it dimmed down to a minor smile. i looked away and felt disapointed but i dont know why. shes so much happier with sam then any thing.But theres something that i hate about her.
sam is so sweet to me. im so happy were becoming bestfriends with me. we seen a game booth and we looked at eachother and smiled. he gave the guy two dollars for him and me. it was a pinball game where we have to through a ball at the bowling pins. I only got the top on and he got all of them and... he was rewarded with a big white bear!! He gave it to me and laughed cause it looked like i was a walking bear. he took a picture and sent it to me and put it on twitter.
@samwilk: look at this cutie😊 @lairssak
I faved and retweeted it. i got so many hate comments and followers.
We went to the car and put it up.
"Do you actually wanna walk around here." he said
"Not really" i said looking at the ground.
"Lets sit in the car." he gestured the door open and sat down.
"So wanna watch american horror story on my phone." he told me.
"Yessss!! I love that show." i said. we set the seat down and i layed on his chest while i just remebered i forgot that i had my mac book here in the back. i grabbed it and handed it too him. he got netflix on and we started from season 1 to the end.
Hey guys howd you like it. i hope you did!! Sorry i will update another on tomorrow. love yew!!

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