Chapter 1

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"Alina. Alina. Wake up." My dad said. "Time for school." I groaned. "Do I have to?" "Yup. Wake up sweetheart." He said.
"Okay." I said rolling out of bed.
I got ready (outfit above) and grabbed my backpack. I sighed. School. I grabbed breakfast, and left. "Later guys!" I called. I got no response. Typical. I walked to the bus stop, the wind blowing my black hair all over the place and small grains of sand into my eyes. "Hey Alina." Said Zully, my closest friend. "Hey Zully." I said. "You look beautiful!" She gushed. "Thanks." I said. Zully gave me a soft smile. I couldn't stop thinking about my crush, Luke Hemmings. Society saw him as a "reject" while I saw him as a perfect boy. "Hey Alina, the bus is here." Zully said. "Oh. Yeah." I said. "What are you thinking about?" She asked. "You know, him." I said. "He stares at you a lot in Language Arts." Said Zully. "Really?" I said. "Yup. I mean it." Zully said. "Do you dream about him?" Zully asked. "Yes. Always." I said, smiling. "You're smiling, and blushing." Said Zully, smiling and laughing lightly. "Do you dream about Niall?" I said. "Yeaaaa." Zully said, blushing. Luke and Niall were close friends. The bus arrived at school and we got off and went to our usual hang out, the tree. Amanda, and Cassandra were there. "Hey." They said. "Hello." I said. "Hey." Said Zully. "Hemmings was checking you out just now Alina." Said Amanda. "He probably doesn't like me." I said. "Sure. Yet he checks you out?" Said Cassandra. I laughed. "Yup." Zully laughed. The bell rang and we head off to our first period, Art.
I sat next to my guy friend Harry Styles that period. "Hey love." He said. Harry called all girls love, so I thought nothing of it. "You still in major love with that Hemmings guy?" He asked, his British accent showing. "Yea. The usual."
"Do you love me?"
"Nothing forget it love."
"Um, okay."
I got back to the drawing I was drawing and Harry didn't talk for the rest of class.
🌻🌻🌻🌻Lunch Time🌻🌻🌻🌻
"Hemmings is staring again." Said Amanda.
"Sure." I said.
"Turn around Am is not kidding." Said Cassandra.
"No joke." Said Zully.
I turned and saw Luke's eyes, color of the sea, watching me and piercing my heart.
He continued to stare into my brown eyes so I didn't back down. I dared him to come over to me. He looked away but he smiled. I smiled too.
"Omg. What just happened?" Gushed Amanda. "That just happened. They are my OTP." Said Zully. "Omg. OTP feels." Said Cassandra tagging along. I laughed. "It was just a stare. It doesn't mean anything." I said. "Surreeeee Alina. Just a stare." They said. I giggled.
💕💕💕After school💕💕💕
"Hey." Said Luke after the last bell rang.
"Hey." I said, butterflies flying in my stomach and my heart pounding loudly.
"You look beautiful today." He said, staring into my eyes. "Thank you." I said. He was the only one I believed who made me believe I was beautiful. He came close. Extremely close. "So." Luke said. "So." I said. Luke's body touched mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I put my hands around his neck. Luke began leaning in. My first kiss. His lips touched mine slowly, then all at once.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I said.
"I've loved you since we met." He said.
"Me too." I said.
This felt so perfect. Two pieces of a puzzle coming together.
"Will you go out with me?" He asked.
"Yes." I whispered.
His lips touched mine again, a smile upon his lips. I felt like my love for him was expanding, and my heart was thumping louder.
"Luke." I said. My ride honked at me.
"Yes love?" Luke said.
"My ride is here." I said, laughing.
I wrote my number and and said, "Call me!" And I ran to my ride. From the corner of my eye, I saw Luke smile.

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