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Rules: 🎼

🐬1. Please follow our account along with; JuniaAvery29Runners_01. Follow the accounts permanently.

🐬2. Give us a shout-out on your message board for publicity.

🐬3. Add 'Candidly Elite' to your public reading list and receive updates of interesting art events for young artists.

🐬4. Respect the schedules and process your Medley Editors has given in the description. They have their own life's so please do not rush them.  Also, comply with their payments given in their introductions.

🐬5. Do not be rude to any of our Admins or Medley Editors. Your negative attitude can get your application rejected so be mindful of your words and actions.

🐬6. Please be patient! The Medley Editors are doing their best.

🐬7. It depends on the Medley Editors whether they accept your work for editing not. Do not pressure them into accepting your work.

🐬8.Tag at least 5 people (only those who might be interested)__>>


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