To Youngmin

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Aw, man. Remember when I sent you this old thing?

Hello, Youngmin-ssi. Can I call you Youngmin-hyung? I understand if you are uncomfortable with it. Which brings me to the purpose of this letter: I want to apologize for the summer camp incidents of '16.

I will not sugarcoat it. I was the absolute worst to you. I pushed you whenever I passed by you, I dunked water on you in the cafeteria once. There was even a series of mishaps involving your personal journals which I will not elaborate on for the sake of your privacy.

Look, Youngmin-ssi, all I will say in my own defense is that I was in quite possibly one of the worst headspaces I have ever experienced in my life. However, it does not excuse anything I have done to you, and for that I sincerely apologize. You have every right to hate me, block me on SNS or even send me a piece of your mind because I deserve every single punishment God can think of for the things I have done.

I will say, though, if by some miracle you do not hate everything I stand for, that we try to start over. Of course I am not telling you to forget the past at all. I would just like to offer a truce. If it is not too much trouble for you, I would like to become friends and right my all-too-many wrongs. You at least deserve a proper apology and a big compensation for any damage I have caused.

I need not mention that you can completely disregard my letter and my proposal if it is your wish. I completely understand if you would rather not hear from me again.

Once again, I am truly sorry for everything I have done. I wish you good health and may the heavens be kind.

Signed, Oh Yejun

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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