Watch your step

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Author POV
As Y/n was stareing at killer like she was ready to slit his god dang throat her phone pinged again
Oh I need to see that
Killer:WE WEREN'T DONE TAL-and she's gone da*n it
Tch I want my godd*mn life to end
Now he's texting me again I thought I killed him!
Did he survive...that means he might be here soon-
Oh no......
Author POV
Y/n ran home as quick as she could and blocked his number though it might have been to late who knows how long he was awake for
Killers POV
That human has a strange reaction to me
Usually humans fear me or drooling over me like fu*king dogs for some reason
She looked like she wanted to kill me
And she had some guts to walk up to me I don't think she knew who I was...
What was her name? Oh I don't care not like we're gonna run into eachother again
Author POV
Killer walked home checking the internet when he saw something...

To be continued

Author:so this took a bit Ōnō I could think of ideas so I just kinda typed xD
(Word count 210)

Killer x hitman type reader (all art is mine and i wouldnt like if you stole it)Where stories live. Discover now