first date

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Well I just got home from school, I go to Community College, I go for computer science and so I'm taking a math class there, and there is this guy in my math class named Trevor and he is kind of cute he is 6'2 has red hair, dark brown eyes and he is kind of buff I think he likes me.

I don't know I might give him a chance we haven't talked much yet but he gave me his number.

I might call him later, well to my surprise he called me about an hour later he wanted to take me out to dinner so I accepted his offer he said to be ready by 9.

Well two hours later I heard the door bell ring he was here to pick me up I opened the door and he just stood there staring at me I guess he thought I looked good.

I had on this tight red dress, black heels and I curled my hair and put on some dark red lip gloss he then realized that he was staring and then apologize for it.

I was like it's ok he then went to the car and opened my door I got in we didn't really talk on the way there but when we got there I was kind of surprised cause it was like one of the most expensive restaurants in town.

Before he got out he wanted to know if I wanted him to open my car door I was like no, but thanks, so we got out of the car and went in when we was inside it look really nice he got us a table and then he pulled out my chair for me, I then blushed he didn't notice, we was then taking about what we was going to order when the waiter came he then ordered for me.

I had steak well done mashed potatoes with gravy and mixed vegetables it was good and for desserts I had strawberry cheese cake it was really good after we ate he paid $70 but the bill was only $50 so I thought he left a $20 tip.

Well then he took me home and was about to leave but I invited him in, so he came in and sat down on the couch I went up stairs and changed clothes I put on a long t shirt and some panties and I put my hair up, I came back down and saw him watching tv I was like we should watch a movie he was like yea sure so I played this movie called click I already seem it but I really liked it so we just laid on the couch till we fell asleep watching the movie.

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