Chapter 1

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OK, I got this from VincentReversed. She wrote a one-shot for me and I got an idea from it. So now I am writing a story from it. Before you read this story you should probably read her first one-shot in her Band One Shots. It will probably be less confusing and you will understand it more. Well, ENOJY!


Chapter 1:

As we got our things checked out my heart was still racing from actually meeting THE Angelo Parente. I cannot believe that I just actually met him! Ever since I first listened to them I was in love with the drummer. I have a thing for drummers, why, I have no idea I just find them very attractive. I was brought out of my mind babble by Jake, who was babbling about how he wanted a bouncy ball out of those machines by the door before you leave and I gave him two quarters so he could get one as we made our way out the door. I stood by him as he put the money in and cranked the metal thingy so he could get his ball. Once it came out he grabbed it and ran out to my dark blue Mini Cooper. "Be careful Jake! You don't want to lose your bouncy ball in the parking lot. You can play with it when we get home." "Okie doke Danae." he replied in his cute little boy voice.,r:43,s:0,i:232&tx=64&ty=43&biw=1024&bih=634  This is my Dark Blue Mini Cooper.

After I strapped in Jake and put the groceries in the back I climbed in the front seat and started up the car. As we were driving out of the parking lot I spotted Angelo and honked to get his attention. He looked up at my car in surprise, but once he saw me his beautiful face light up into a breathtaking smile and he waved at me. I waved back, slowed down and stopped where he was standing and handed him a folded up piece of paper. He looked at in confusion then I think he realized what it was because another breathtaking smile crept onto his face. Just then Jake said, "Danae! I'm hungry. Can I get some ice cream?" Angelo heard and chuckled at him and waved which earned him a chubby handed wave from Jake. Just as I started my car I said "Bye Angelo, see you around." with a large smile. He returned the large smile and said, "Bye Danae, see you around. Drive home safe." "Okie doke, will do!" I said with a laugh and drove off. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw Angelo with a gorgeous smile, waving at me. I smiled and waved back at him. That was when I noticed that my face was a deep red, darn you pale complexion!

I drove until I found my favorite ice cream joint, Fuzzy's, their ice cream is to die for! But I was too in shock to eat anything. As soon as I stopped the car Jake was squriming to get out of his car seat. I got out and unbuckeld him and he ran to the counter. I shook my head and jogged slowly up to the counter. As soon as I made it up there Julie, the woman who takes the orders, asked, "The usual?" "Yup. But I don't.. Ok, nevermind. Yes, the usual." She laughed at me and starting to make our orders. WIthin a couple minutes my extra large black raspberry milkshake and Jake's cake cone with moosetracks and chocolate sprinkles was ready for us. I handed Julie the five dollars I owed her and made our way back to my car.

By the time we got home Jake has ice cream all over him, it looks like he is wearing more than he ate and my milkshake is long gone. I pulled into my drive way and noticed that my garage door was slightly open but I didn't think much of it. I unstrapped Jake and he ran to the back to help with me with the bags. I handed him two light ones and he ran to the front door while I grabbed the rest. I slammed the back close and locked my car. I got to the front door to unlock it but I found it was unlocked, 'Hm? I could've sworn I locked it' I thought to myself. When I walked in I found my best friend, Natalya, balancing on a stool to get something off of the fridge. I looked at her in her deep concentration and couldn't help but bust out laughing. Bad idea; she jumped and lost her balance and fell right on her back on the floor. She groaned in pain but shot straight up and ran over to me to tackle me. I was about to move but she got me before I could. Before I knew it I was on the floor and the groceries went flying everywhere. Jake was giggling and then I felt him jump onto Natalya and he started giggling like crazy. "Jake?" I asked. "Yes, Danae?" he said still giggling. "Tickle Natalya so she will get off of me please." "OKAY!" he yelled and started tickling Natalya, this caused her to squeal and squirm everywhere. I slid out from underneath her and starting picking up the groceries.

I should probably introduce Natalya to you. She is my best friend ever, we always been there for each other through everything. She has long,black hair and gorgeous green eyes. She is quiet tall. Well everyone is tall compared to me, I'm a short girlie. We have been best friends since middle school. She is very bubbly, talkative, and a great friend. She lives with me, well, technically I live with her. Her parents bought this small house for her. She wanted someone to live here with her because she doesn't like to live by herself. When she asked if I wanted to live with her I quickly agreed. We have been in this house for two years this June.

I should probably tell you where we live, we live in Scranton, PA. We have lived here our entire lives. Well, for the most part. When I was about six months old my family and I moved here from Cleveland, Ohio.

After fifteen minutes I got all the groceries picked up and put in their designated places. Jake was spread out like a eagle on my coffee table, how he got there, I have no clue. I moved him to the couch and he curled into a ball with a small smile and sigh. That brought a smile to my face. Natalya found the Nutella I just bought and had a huge spoon of it, with quite a bit on her face also. I looked at her and couldn't help but laugh. I plopped down beside her on my purple couch. I remember I had to tell her something but I just kinda forgot. I stuck my hand in my pocket to get my phone and I felt a piece of folded paper. As soon as I touched it I remembered what I had to tell her. I pulled it and set it in my lap. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow when she saw me set it there with a huge grin. I contemplated weather or not I should call him. I decided why not.

I typed his number into the keypad and hit call. After three rings he picked up, "Hello?" There was some confusion in his beautiful voice and I'm guessing he didn't put my number in his phone yet. "Hi!" I said. "Danae? Hi! What are you up to?" "Ah,nothing much, watching my friend attempt to eat Nutella, she is failing horribly by the way, it's all over her." "Hahaha! Nice." I looked over at Natalya and she looked very confused. I shook my head and smiled. "You doing anything today?" he asked me. "Nope. Just watching my cousin." "The little boy that ran into me today?" he asked which caused me to blush deeply. "Yeah, sorry for that by the way." "It's fine. Stuff happens." I smiled and said "Ok. You wanna hang out somewhere? Jake just woke up and he is asking to go to the park. So hang there?" I asked and hoped to the Dear Lord that he would say yes. "Yeah, sure. We can hang at the park. What park?" "You know the park in the middle of town? That park." "Okay. Bye Danae. See you in 15 minutes." "Bye Angelo." I said with a smile. I looked at a severely confused Natalya and said, "Clean yo face and get yo shoes on we are going to the park!" "Who was that?" "You'll get to find out once we get there!" We got our shoes and piled into my car and drove off to the park. This is gonna be fun, I thought to myself

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