Chapter 7: I'll Pay For All Of It

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Edited 08/12/16

Lee Sangin's P.O.V (Seon's father)

I was a little worried when Seon said that she doesn't have any plans to continue her studies.

I'm not going to argue about that now because we have brunch meeting with my clients and I don't want Seon to suddenly have a bad mood before coming here.

An old friend of mine is coming to the brunch meeting today. I heard that his company is having financial problems so he called me and asked if I could help him.

I said just come to Paris and we'll discuss it there.

"Mr. Zhang, how are you?" I said while letting out my hand for him to shake and he shook it with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Lee, it's nice meeting you again. How long has it been? 4? 5 years? It's been awhile Sangin-ah." He said to me.

"I think it has been 5 years. Yes, it's been awhile Wei Feng." I said to him.

"Hey, I told you to just call me Zhang." he said and laughed.

"Oh yes, I forgot." I said and laughed with him.

"Let's talk in my office Zhang." I said to him and led him in my office.

"I heard your company has financial problems Zhang. What happened?" I said as I motion for him to sit down in front of me.

He sighed and said, "I don't know where I went wrong. I mean I always double check no, triple check our projects before we promote them but I don't know. We just suddenly had a decrease of our stocks. I don't know what to do now Sangin-ah."

"I'm sure there's a way Zhang. We just need to think more." I said to him.

"I tried everything Sangin-ah but still I got nothing. My son and I thought of every possible way to solve our problem but everything we tried it just doesn't work for us." he said.

"Maybe we just need to think out of the box Zhang." I said trying to calm him down.

"I don't know what to think anymore Sangin-ah. I can't borrow money from any bank now because they think I can't pay them back. I used it all to promote our projects before. I don't know what my family will eat. I'm afraid if I can't feed my family anymore." he said with his hand on his head.

I tried to think deeper and deeper for a solution for my friend. How can I help him? How? How? How?

Then an idea suddenly hit me. Should I try my idea? But I'm sure my daughter wouldn't like this.

If it's for a friend then I'm willing to do anything to save him. Zhang's been my best mate since me and my family moved back in Korea. I was living in France for all my life until I met this beautiful woman one day and I wanted to get married to her. I know she's the one for me. But my father didn't approve of me and my wife getting married so he told us to go.

I had nowhere to go at that time and the only country that I was familiar was Korea. Well, Korea's my hometown. When I moved there I met Zhang. A Chinese man living in Korea. We became friends and he always helped me and my family get through our worst days.

I think it's time for me to repay for what he did for my family.

"Zhang, I have an idea but it might sound stupid." I said and he widens his eyes and asked me, "What is your idea Sangin-ah?"

"I'll pay for all your new project and I know you have debt and you couldn't pay for all of it now, am I right Zhang?" I asked him.

He sighed and looked at the ground. "Yes, my company has this huge amount of money we need to pay but we don't any money now." he said.

"I'll pay for all of it." I said and he immediately shot his head back up to me with his shock expression on me.

"You would pay all my debt?" He said.

"Yes. But as always there is a catch." I said. He nodded and asked, "Ahh, yes...what's the catch my friend?"

"Let's marry Seon and your son, Yixing." I said.

"What? You want our kids to get married?" He asked me.

"Yes. But if you don't want them get married then I'm okay with it. But I suggested this to you because my daughter doesn't want to continue her studies and my position as the CEO in my company isn't forever and if Seon doesn't want to continue her studies then I'm sure she will be voted off to be the next CEO but if she marries Yixing I'm sure the board will still consider her to be the next CEO because your son is well known for his intelligence and I also heard he is diligent in his work so because of what Yixing has I'm sure it'll secure Seon's position to be the next CEO of my company." I said and his face looks like he was thinking about what I said.

"And imagine the Z Group and LS Group being partners. It'll be great Zhang, trust me." I continued.

"Well you are right...and I do trust you. I think it's a great idea Sangin-ah. Plus they're friends I'm sure they'll accept one another and this is a win-win situation." He said with a smile.

I smiled back and said, "So, do we have a deal?"

"Yes, it's a deal" he said.

"Great then. We can tell them later. Right now, just enjoy the brunch." I said and laughed, Zhang also laughed with me.

"Thank you my friend." Zhang said and I replied, "Anytime, friend." and smiled at him.


After the brunch meeting ended my wife, Seon and I went straight home because all of us were really tired.

I decided to tell Seon about the wedding arrangements after Zhang tells his son about it. I already told my wife before we left the brunch meeting and at first she didn't approve of it but after I explained it to her as to why we should get them married, then she approves.

I just hope Seon will understand when I tell her about this someday.


"Father, I've decided that I want to go to college." My daughter said so suddenly.

"I've think it through and I want to be a great CEO one day, that's why I decided to study." she said again.

"Really darling?" My wife asked my daughter.

"Yes mother. I want to continue my studies. I already chose a university. What do you think father?" She asked me.

Well, if she wants to continue her studies then I shouldn't be the barrier right? But what about the deal?

Well, I can just tell her later about that deal. I think after she goes to her college.

"If that's what you want." I simply said. She nodded her head while smiling at me.

"Where is the university you chose?" I asked her and her next answer almost surprises me.

"I chose a university in Korea father. You don't mind do you? I'm taking fashion and finance there." she said. "Very well then." I answered her.

After the dinner I called Zhang and told him and he told me that he already told his son about it. At first his son didn't agree but after the talk he and his son had, his son finally agreed to the marriage.

"Zhang, my daughter's going to Korea to continue her studies there. Where is Yixing's university?" I asked him and he told me the name of the university that Yixing attends to.

I was clearly shocked that Yixing is attending the same university as Seon. Yixing is her senior there.

Now I just have to tell her about our plan. I'm sure she'll understand because she's my daughter and she knows that her father knows best.

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