absolutely stupid headcanons of spider orange because I don't want to draw

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>I kinda hc that the owange bois are kinda different from other plants when it comes to attitude; Citrons themselves are cold and cocky, simoly rather to fake a smile and stay distant from each other.

> young citrons use their peel as baby-legs, when they grow big enough they get their update aka mechanical legs and gear... T,, They also meow loud and do funny big steppies

>At young age citrons are playful, on tenagehood they become more closed yet having a friendly attitude and when they reach maturity.. They rather do their job alone.

>they act like cats because why not

>In rare occasions citrons start to experiment "feelings" for each other; due to a huge lack of females they simply don't have any other option than acquiring a male mate to reproduce faster and keep their species alive. Sometimes they simply start feeling something on themselves, something warm. And then becoming closer to each other... And then they have an accident and sometimes one of the papas becomes bored and leaves.

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