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The Devil in Lucy

I can't stop looking at her as we board the plane. Her curly dark locks are bouncing around her beautiful cheekbones whilst her eyes are bursting in the last bits of sun we'll see for some time. "You're so beautiful you know." I hold her gaze momentarily whilst she wraps one arm around me cupping one finger and plants a soppy kiss on my cheek. "And you know I love you so much James." I pull her close, tickling her sides as we declare our tickets before being seated. "Oh my god James!" She howls with laughter trying to squirm out of my clutches. She grabs my ear delicately nibbling at it whilst covering her hand so no one can hear her. "Oh my god stop!" she giggles as eyes from the rows next to us and behind start coughing almost like a signal to keep the noise to a minimum. 

We've been travelling some time now as she sinks in to my lap and I rub her hair, she likes that. Gentle circular motions at the crown of her head whilst enveloping my arms around her. "I like that," she smiles at me as the sky begins to creep away with the day, unfurling a soggy soaked night. I thought I could see the rain tapping against the window but we were above the clouds; being in the air suddenly looked bleak. "You should get some rest," I say gently closing the aeroplane window shutter and leaning back. She looks up at me; "God I'm so lucky to have you!" she beams circling my fingertips. I stare at her intensely washing the thoughts of what happened last week out of my mind. "No, I'm lucky to have you" I say treading on mini bombs in my psyche; "Now get some rest beautiful." She closes her eyes and inhales deeply; "Yeah I suppose you're right," she says hesitantly. "We've got a long journey ahead of us I spose what with the"----

"Oh don't worry about that!" I say embracing her gently. Its 21.00pm here now, so by the time we get to my dad's it'll be around 17.00pm local time. We set off around 13.00pm didn't we? Oh and I have to get the car as well before we go there." Regret filled Lucy's eyes, ignoring James' question she went on: "Have we done the right thing by –?" "Leaving?" interrupted James. "Of course we have luce. You know that we couldn't have stayed here in Australia forever, the backpacking was great,----"

"And the honeymoon was perfect, she interjected." I place a cool finger on her nose and gently whisper "Yes it was; the best time of my life." A tiny piece of me is being deceitful towards Lucy as it wasn't all perfect because of that incident, I try to lay it to rest.


"Wake up beautiful, were here;" I smile looking out of the mini window from the plane. Her eyes are dusted with sleep, as she gently picks at them flicking the pieces as she peeks out the window too. "Oh back to reality" she says despondently.


That was the last sweet memory of my Lucy, the girl I fell in love with, the one that I used to know. I never thought for one second she'd change. There was no history, no mental illness so where had I gone wrong? Perhaps I should have said something the very first time it happened. We were a week in to our honeymoon and I'd ordered her a drink from the bar. The bar girl was young, a natural kind of pretty and her eyes kept flicking up at me as if she were flirting through them. I didn't think much of it as I was the only person at the bar; I considered she'd be like this with everyone. "You're cute!" She grinned swerving the fact

I'd just got married as my wedding ring was big and flashy in her face. I dangled my hand in the hair making reference to the ring resting on my finger once again. Her eyes widened with promiscuity. It was irrefutable that she didn't care just by the way she looked at me almost undressing me with her eyes. "Most of the good ones are these days, don't stop m"-----

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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