I know what happend

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So you know the game polybius right well I live in Portland Oregon and went to my loco arcade my name is Sarah grey and I was doin what I usually do when playing games going to pac man and playing some other awesome games like Mario and Tetris but I went to the back room and I see this game called polybius it looked pretty normal I wanted to play it so I turned it on and put the coin in to start it it had a pretty cool title screen then I started playing it it had pretty cool colors and all that but I never stoped until it was done the boss song was awesome nice touch to it. then I go to the ending point with a song that sounded like it was mixed with blood tears from silent hill and lavender town from the Pokémon creepypasta. I keep seeing someone something someone from the corner of my eye but when I look it's gone it's someone with black eyes and pale blue skin no hair or clothes and its breathing on my face and neck. it gives me chills I turned off the game I saw my clock it was pretty late it was noon when I came to the arcade but even time flys more when playing a game a second I came off my clock I look for the door and I don't see it my phone wasn't low thank the lord for that I decided to call 911 they answer. I tell them what happen and say to me that they'll get me out don't worry then it cuts off and loses connection I look at my phone in a are you kidding me look I shut it off until they get here until I see a figure it wasn't glowing but it was light enough for me to see it's face it's a pale blue look alike from the title of the game black eyes with no pupils mouth has no color as well with a bit of drool coming out it looks white and it looks like it starved itself to death I can tell it's focused on me it can sense I'm having fear it turns around without moving it's head and crawls up the sealing like a spider it frightens me more I curl up slowly in a ball not wanting to move a flinch cause I'm too scared of doing anything to get out I cover my head just in case I felt someone hugging me as Im not in a ball anymore I look at the hands they look weird in a way with black lines all around it like battlezone I'm scared it's obvious it came from polybius from it's style but I stand still until I sleep and woke up to be in my bed I rewind things and it looks and feels to real to be a dream. cause I don't feel the ground when I'm in a dream or anything I sit up wipe my eyes I feel like someone's watching me I look around... there's nothing I look at the ceiling... nothing I look at the ground... nothing I'm a bit panicked but then I take a deep breath 3 repeats I get up from the side of the bed I felt a slight grab on my ankle to over the ankle I felt fear as soon as I felt it I look down it's the same pale blue character I gently removed the hand it went back under the bed slowly. I went out of my room to escape my house I grab a bag some food and grab a couple of soda along with a flashlight with extra batteries and leave my home. I roam the streets of Oregon I kept walking until I stumble upon the arcade from this night there's men in black and the owner of the arcade I decided to hide somewhere close and over hear of what happened I heard the game disappeared from the back of the room and that if they don't find the game the arcade will shut down I ask myself are these people really looking forward to shut down an arcade over a game and why were they here now then tomorrow they also said that why this game was so dangerous that everytime someone plays the game they have side effects like amnesia insomnia night terrors and hilusonations but over time the game had gotten more dangerous. When you see a figure by the corner of your eye it has now turned itself into a real figure but more like if a wendigo didn't originate into the forest or Canada but in games as corrupted as polybius. they stop and I go behind a building there's a latter I could climb on I climbed up on the roof to hear more the men in black disappear and the owner close the arcade and leaves I take a bobby pin out from my pocket and I try opening the door I look for the room and I see no game found polybius was gone that was until I turned on my flashlight I will try to spot any clues if I can I try finding the game no use I shut my flashlight off and head out I walk for a second to see a tree that has scratch marks all over one part the scratches were a bit dealer then expected like compare to bear scratches these were slightly bigger and deeper I decided to walk back home since I knew nothing about this town I walk back in the door to hear oddly beautiful but sad music

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