Friends and wine

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Once I recovered I went back downstairs and found Holland and Colton. I quickly told them what happened and we all decided to get the girls and go back to my apartment.

After arriving and lots of bottles of wine we sat around the livingroom and talked. "So he claims he didn't know she was here but they both show up at the club. That doesn't make sense." Camila said. "Look I know we aren't team Stephen at the moment but my brother is not lying. He completely blocked her. He told her family what she was doing and trust me when I say her family is some of the ruthless bunch I've met but they understood what was happening. They promised to make sure she wouldn't cause trouble." She took a sip of her wine and continued.

"When he left Brazil she was already back in Russia and then we went to England with mum for a week before coming back here. I know for a fact that she is looking you up in a weird stalker way. But she can't physically do anything. If she does her family will cut her out. She's crazy and claims she loves him...." she said. All I could do was just think.

"I believe him okay and as fucked up what he did we wouldn't blame you for giving him a chance. We aren't saying right away maybe take things slow. Get to know each other again." Stephanie said.

"Its not that easy. He's hurt me twice. He could have came back months ago but he took 3 months to physically come see me. Why?" I said. We all looked at Jessica and I felt bad doing this to her. "The first month he was trying hard to keep her away. To stop her from doing all of this. He should be the one to tell you this but um..." she took a deep breath. "She ended up in the hospital after a suicide attempt. Jay found her on the floor unconscious and once she got out she left. We couldn't find her until we tracked her down in Russia. After that we found her family but I left. I came back home to mum and a month later he showed up saying it was all taken care of."

I decided to change the subject. "When do you guys head back?" I asked camila and Vanessa. "We need to start on season 8 of Riverdale in like 3 weeks, are you coming with us then or are you waiting till it's your time to go?" Vanessa said. "I might wait until it's time for me but I'll definitely think about it first." I told them.

Once everyone had left and we cleaned up a bit. Stephanie headed to bed and I went upstairs to shower. I couldn't stop thinking about all that's happened in the last 4 months and how my life had changed since Stephen and I broke up. We never officially said the words and I had gone on a few dates. I had stopped listening to the media and posts about our breakup. My family had been very supportive but they still wanted to see us back together. Especially my parents. They've gone through a similar situation that ended up with a half sister my age.

After my shower I laid down and put some random movie on Netflix. I grabbed my phone and just scrolled through some texts we had shared along with pictures. My mind was telling me to move on while my heart said give him a chance. A never ending battle.


When I woke up the next morning stephanie was already eating some breakfast. "Those came for you today." She told me as I looked at a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

They were gorgeous

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They were gorgeous. I picked up the card and read it. 

I know this isn't much but I just wanted you to wake up to something beautiful. I miss you and I love you.


"He doesn't want to give up Karina. We know you still love him. I believe he did what he did with good intentions. Hear him out. Look and Brad and Jennifer, he cheated but now they are back together. You can have your happy ending also." She said and walked away into her room.

I decided to unblock him from Instagram and posted the picture saying thank you and tagging him. Not even 2 seconds later I received a notification from him saying. "Of course. I hope you love them." And he also liked the picture. After that I decided to stay off social media and work on a few things since it was sunday and tomorrow meant I would have a full week of prepping and making sure music was getting finished along with a few music videos.

Right now I was setting up some promo parties for when the album's would drop and promoting the music. After I had worked a few hours I told Stephanie I was getting something to eat but she was getting ready for a date. I decided to get something really quick for myself and maybe visit the candy shop by the pier since I had a craving for something chocolatey.

After arriving back home and seeing how empty it was. It made me really sad. I knew it was my choice if I decided to have some company and not be lonely but I couldn't bring myself to call him. In the end I decided to just call and see where it went. The moment I heard the first ring I panicked and hung up. Shortly after my phone started ringing and I saw his name pop up. I let it ring and seconds later I received a text.

Are you okay? My phone rang and I tried calling you back.

I didn't reply and just left my phone on the coffee table. I went upstairs thinking of how stupid I was and decided to take a nap.

I was rudely awoken by a banging on my door. I got up and checked. It was Stephen and he looked pissed.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I said while rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Well you called me and I tried calling you back multiple times and I even sent a few texts. Why didn't you reply or answer me?" He said looking hurt. "Sorry I must have butt dialed. I left my phone down here and went to take a nap. I do apologize if I made you woried." I said sitting on the couch and yeah I did have about 50 missed calls and like 20 texts. Not just from him but from Jessica, Holland and Stephanie also.

"Yes I was worried. I got scared when you wouldn't pick up, I thought something happened to you." He said sitting next to me. "Again I am sorry. As you can tell I'm perfectly fine. You didn't need to come all the way over here." I was starting to get a bit irritated, maybe from the rude awakening. "Look I'm sorry if I was mad. I was scared something bad had happened and especially with her in town it scared me even more. I literally thought she had gotten to you." He honestly did look worried.

A part of me was deeply touched with how concerned he was. "Jay I'm fine okay. Do you maybe want to stay a while? I have some left over pizza and a few drinks. We can maybe watch a movie?" I said walking towards the kitchen not so sure what he would think. "Yeah I would like that. I guess I thought you would have already thrown me out or slammed the door-" I stopped him from continuing his rant by kissing him.

I didn't know what had come over me but I suddenly want him badly that it started to physically hurt. He didn't hesitate to kiss back. I started tugging at his slim jacket and pulling it off. I pulled away for a moment to take my shirt off before attaching my lips back to his. "Wait wait, what are we doing? Are you drunk or high. Last time I checked you didn't want me." He said slightly out of breath. "Well I thought since we are two people who find each other sexually attractive maybe we would devide the clothes and multiple our sexual efforts in the bedroom." He didn't look very amused.

"Look I haven't had sex in months and you showing up scared thinking something happened to me just made you look incredibly sexy. I'm sorry I pushed myself on you." I picked up my shirt and said. "You can leave now that you know I'm fine. Thank you for coming by." I started to walk away feeling very rejected. "Whoa hey I never said I didn't want you. I just feel it's not okay to jump me just because your horny. If we are going to have sex I don't want it to be on the whim. I want to show you that I love you in ways you couldn't imagine. But." He said while lifting my head up gently with his fingers under my chin. "I also want you to be sure it's me 100% that you want and you aren't doing this just cause you haven't had sex. I haven't had sex since you and I plan on keeping it that way."

I just kissed him again and held him close. "Are you still in for pizza and a movie?" I asked him lightly smiling.

"Baby I would love to." He said kissing my nose and making me giggle.

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