Chapter 20- Use Protection pt.2 feat. The Rest Of Seijoh

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I lost all of my memes when our computer broke (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')
Please send me some all of them are gone aaaaa

I'm here after I finished In Another Life. Words cannot describe how I feel right now.

I don't even feel like I'm physically capable of writing right now but I owe y'all this so let's get it


Seijoh got a practice match with Nekoma High on the same weekend as my family gathering, so I get to take their van and watch the practice match, and after that Oikawa's staying back with me for a night at my dad's house and then we're heading home. Sounds fun.

At least he won't be calling me every five minutes to see how I'm doing and if I'm safe since I'm not taking the train. I know he's dated other people before me but somehow it feels like this is his first time dating someone, he's so enthusiastic over every tiny thing and he's really overprotective.

God, I love him.

He remembers every single little thing, even down to the first time he caught me when I tripped. Yea. He marked it on his calendar and called it "National Oikawa Saves Clumsy Y/N Day", which I find strangely endearing. He also has "First Time Y/N's Dog Tried To Hump Me, Wow, I Must Be Really Attractive" saved.

Now, I'm kinda questioning his sanity.

Still, I love him with my whole heart. Who wouldn't? He appears shallow and thoughtless, but he's one of the deepest, most thoughtful and smartest person I know.


It's time for the practice match, and we all arrive at school really early in the morning to go to Tokyo. "I wanna sit next to Y/N! Move it, Makki," Oikawa whines, trying to squeeze his way between me and Makki, who decided it would be fun to bully Oikawa.

"It's not like I'd do anything," Makki shrugs. "But if she falls asleep on someone's shoulder, it has to be me, she's not a morning person I'm not letting her sleep on anyone else's shoulder," Oikawa protests. 

"Y/N-senpai, with all due respect, out of all the guys you could've dated, you're dating him?" Kindaichi asks. "Don't be so rude Kindaichi, respect your elders," Oikawa grumps.

"Fine, I'll move," Makki sighs, "I feel kinda bad for you Oikawa, having to beg like that." "Have some dignity, crappy guy," Iwa snaps.

"Thank you," Oikawa sighs and sits next to me. Everyone settles in and the van starts moving. Oikawa stays silent for a while, staring into space.

"You are dating me because you like me, right?" he asks me quietly. My heart broke a little, seeing him so lost and so convinced he wasn't worth the love. "I'm dating you because you're an idiot and I love you but you just won't see that, you dummy," I smile at him.

He smiles back, and he seems OK again. It's strange how sometimes all he needs is a reminder that he's loved, but so valid and relatable at the same time.

"I love you too, Y/N," he gently kisses me. "Ew! No displays of affection in the van! There are children here! Stop stop stop stop!" Makki groans and Iwa mimes gagging. Matsun lets out a small quiet snort as he reaches out to cover Kindaichi and Kunimi's eyes. Yahaba and Watari look away with small smiles on their faces.

"Rule number one, no displays of affection we can see or we're opening a window and throwing Oikawa out and keeping Y/N so we can have a chance with her," Makki declares. "Why don't you just look away?" Oikawa asks incredulously.

"At least give us a warning, and no one wants to hear you kiss either," Iwa says. "So, in conclusion, no kissing. Holding hands is fine, but if you guys play footsie-" Matsun says. "No, we do not let the kids know what footsie is," Makki interrupts and covers Matsun's mouth.

"Sheesh, you guys make everything impossible," Oikawa groans. "We're simply making life easier for us," Iwa says.

I roll my eyes and lean on Oikawa's shoulder, "Doesn't matter, I'll have plenty of time alone with Oikawa later." Oikawa's face turns tomato red. "Keep it PG, alright?" Makki smirks, and I can almost see the steam rising out of Oikawa's ears.

I hear Matsun and Iwa snickering, and Oikawa looks away from me to hide his red face. "Don't do it in front of your parents," Iwa blurts out, and Makki chokes on his saliva.

"Use protection," Matsun says, and Iwa starts laughing. "Oiks, would you mind if I gagged them and tied them up?" I ask. "I'd join you," he murmurs, and I reach up and ruffle his fluffy hair.

"OK, EVERYONE SHUT UP I'M GOING TO SLEEP!" I yell and curl against Oikawa. Oikawa puts his arm around me and I close my eyes. "Tsk, bossy, bossy," Iwa sighs. I let my drowsiness pull me into sleep and blurry unclear dreams.


"She's snoring."
"Yep, she is."
I hear a tiny snippet of conversation in the middle of my sleep, but it fades away.

"Did you get the picture?"
"I really don't think you should show her this."
"She would murder me, I know."

"Look what you did!"
"I didn't mean to!"
"Her hair's all tangled now."
"It's not my fault she looks so fluffy and cute. I couldn't resist."
"It's your fault you don't have self control."

"What?" I blink and wipe the sleep out of my eyes, "I heard something." "She's awake," Iwa hisses at Oikawa. "I can see that," he hisses back.

"Uh- we're reaching," Oikawa says. "What's with my hair? I heard someone say something about my hair," I touch my hair, and I try to comb my fingers through it. They get stuck in tangles, "Oikawa, what did you do to my hair?" 

"I didn't mean to!" Oikawa scoots away from me slightly. "Come on, there's nothing to be sacred of, I won't kill you," I murmur. I'm not gonna kill him but torture is definitely in the list. Unsure, he scoots a tiny bit closer. "Don't be scared, come closer," I say. "Now I'm definitely scared," he scoots even further.

"Iwa, do you have a comb?" I ask him. "I wish I didn't, but I do. Don't ask why," he hands me a hairbrush. "Thank you, I owe you a spot in torturing Oikawa," I take the hairbrush and start combing through my tangles. "And no, Oikawa, you can't touch my hair," I glare at Oikawa, who's making sad puppy dog eyes at me.

"We've reached," Kindaichi announces, peering out of the window.

I see a bunch of skyscraper-tall guys waiting at the entrance. "Why do I sense impending chaos?" I ask.


Violet Evergarden is making me cry every single episode send help and tissues.

I took a Harry Potter quiz and apparently I'm a rAVENCLAW-
I'm sorry, but I'm not smart.

Anyway, sorry for not updating for so long school has been hectic.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Love, me

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