Catch a Ride

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Catch a Ride

(Kaylee's POV)

Today I am going to the arcade with the boys. I'm definitely gonna beat them all. I'm literally the best out of all of them. Dustin just likes to brag about Dig Dug and Centipede. But I always win all the others games that the boys don't ever brag about. They say that if they practice and do it everyday, they could beat me. I ABSOLUTELY do not believe them. I have beat Dustin once, in Dig Dug and in Centipede, it took him a couple of days to recover from my high score. I gave up playing Dig Dug and Centipede because a new game caught my eye. Guitar Hero. I love music and I always have, I could never go one day without listening to it. Never. I could never. When I'm sad or lonely, I listen to music, when Ik happy or doing chores, I listen to music. Nothing could ever stomp from doing it, it's my favorite thing to do, if I could say, I actually sing pretty well. The boys haven't heard me sing once though. I usually chicken out, because I like it as my own little secret.

I spent 10 or 15 minutes looking for my outfit. I wore a cute pastel dress and did my hair half up half down. I had my nails painted dark purple though, what could I say? I like dark colors, but today I wanted to wear an outfit that was cute. I usually don't wear dresses, but I just felt like wearing one today. The dress was more comfortable than itchy anyways. Im not going to do anything besides play Guitar Hero, Donkey Kong, or try to beat the boys in a new game. I have my ways though.


Sometimes if I really want to win a game, I use my powers so that I could win faster

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Sometimes if I really want to win a game, I use my powers so that I could win faster. I know its considered cheating, but what can I say? I'm really competitive in anything. I would do anything to win a game, sometimes I even consider myself obnoxious because I usually make everything into a competition.

Mike and the boys could handle me though, thats why I've been fiend with them for so long already. They're the only people that could handle me in the school, they're actually my only friends, and along with hem, I am bullied too.

When I finished getting ready, I checked the time. 6:00. I live closer to Will so I usually radioed him.

"Will? How much coins do you have? Over," I asked through the walk-man.

"I don't know yet, my mom is going to give me some when I get there. Over," He replied back.

I questioned, "When are you guys heading out? Over."

"Maybe," he dragged out the 'e', "at 6:45, what about you?"

"I was going to catch a ride with Mike on his bike-- wait that rhymed. Over," I laughed.

He laughed softly back, "Okay well I'll see you at the arcade Kaylee, I've got to change into my clothes, and eat dinner before I go. Over."

"Bye, Ill see you later too," I replied.

Not even an hour after I call Will, Mike come running out of his house, Nancy following after him.

Nancy is like my big sister, she's always there for me when I need her, and when nobody else notices I'm struggling. When she found out I had a crush on Mike, she laughed and said she knew it. She always supported me to try and ask Mike out, but I told her that I'm too afraid its going to ruin our friendship.

I've never told him that I liked him, but the boys can definitely tell. They always teased me about it before El. I didn't mind that Mike liked someone else, because it would be easier for me to move on quicker.

But I didn't so here I am walking to his house, looking for an explanation as to why he left me to walk on my own.

I walked up to Nancy, "Hey Nance, why did Mike run off? He was supposed to pick me up to go to the arcade with the boys."

She sighed and tried to catch her breath, "That asshole stole my money to go to that stupid arcade."

"What?! Oh just wait till I see him, First he left me here to walk, and now he stole your freaking money. God- what's gotten into him," I rambled.

Nancy laughed and offered, "I could call Steve and ask if he could take you to the arcade."

"Yes please, and thanks for offering the ride," I thanked.

She patted me on my shoulder, "No problem Kaylee, anytime. If you have trouble with Mike or with anything else, just know that I'm here okay?"

I smiled at Nancy, "I know Nance."

She walked away looking a little concerned. She keeps saying that I'm keeping in my feelings, and that I should let it out. I told her that I'm not and I am genuinely happy for Mike and eleven. If it's not me, at least someone is making him happy. Steve, Nancy and Jonathan are all like older siblings to me. They all know that I have a crush on Mike. They all think that I've been keeping in my true feelings and that I shouldn't do it. I mean, I think I could get over Mike, because he's never had any feelings for me anyways. But before Eleven came, he was more happier with me, more playful... More like himself. I just have to accept the way he is now.

A while later, I hear Nancy coming back to check on me.

"Steve will be here in a couple of minutes. Would you like to come in the house and sit down for a while, where it's safe," she offered.

I smiled lightly again, "Im okay Nance, I'll just wait out here. You said he'll be here in a couple minutes. Thanks again for calling Steve and asking if he could pick me up."

She chuckled, "And like I said, No problem Kaylee, anytime."

(Time Skip) brought to you by Farrah Faucet

Steve finally arrived. He called my name and motioned me to come in the car.

"Hi Steve," I greeted.

He looked down at me while he was driving, "What's wrong Debby Downer?"

I sighed and answered his question, "Mike left me to walk. I think that's kind messed up you know. Why would you leave your best-friend that you've known since kindergarten to walk? I know he's been having problems with El and stuff, but, can he at least think of someone or something that's not him or her for one freaking second? I mean he's been in la-la land with her," I started to tear up, but wouldn't let the tears fall.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, calm down Kaylee. You okay," he asked with concern in his eyes.

Damn it, I just let out what I only knew, "Yeah, Yeah. Sorry I just think that what Mike did was really messed up. He even stole Nancy's money to go to the arcade! He doesn't usually do that kind shit!"

Steve parked the car in front of the arcade, "We're here," just as I was going to walk out, Steve grabbed my arm, "Look, Kaylee if you need to get anything out, and something is bothering you, just know that I'm here. You could talk to me about it okay?"

He gently let go of my arm, "I know Steve."

He pulled me in for a hug and waved goodbye.

Once I got into the arcade, I searched for the boys. I was really upset and my face was flustered from keeping in my tears. There was still a little left in my eyes, but I dusted it off like it was nothing. I finally found the boys and they were playing Dragons Lair. I saw Dustin kick the game and say something. Keith confronted him about something while they all looked confused.

I hear Dustin say, "Jesus! Where the hell is Kaylee, she would know what to say back to him, or how to make him stop!"

I approached them and giggled. They all turned back and jumped, "Right here," I nuzzle Will's head and walk to the front of them.

"What the hell do you want Keith," I questioned while rolling my eyes.

He answered in a blunt tone, "Dustin here thinks he has the highest score in Dig Dug and Centipede."

I scrunched up my face, " Well doesn't he?" I ran up to the games and laughed my ass off.

Someone had beat Dustin in all the games he had a high score in. I wonder who it was. I think we'll be good friends after this. I still wasn't amused with Mike leaving me to walk.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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