humble baginings...

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Disclaimer the bat family's ages will change to fit the story and i hope this isn't too ooc

Steph: 19

Tim: 18

Cass: 17 1/2

Jay: 17

Dami & dick : around 29 in first chapter but when we get to time travel it will change to about 5 months

The teams ages will remain the same (Steph was the first robin)

The world was silent for the shadows had won, no more heroes, only shadows and Talen's the world was in disarray, no one was safe...

The year is 2025 and the Talon and Shadow leaders have already gone into hiding to have what they hoped to be twins. Once the babies were born they were separated, one going to the Owls and the other going to the Demons where they would learn to kill more than 100 different ways. But thankfully the eldest girl who went to live with the Owls (the leader being an omega had morals)...  this is where our story starts when our twins are nine and are celebrating their birthday with their respective parents

"Tati, Tati come quick the clocks gonna move" a young Hananiah shouts at the young omega holding her hand "ok ok i just need to get some bread for dessert you go on ahead" the omega told his cub fondly letting go of her hand letting her run off. Alex on the other hand was trying to get his father to tell him what they were going to do for his birthday but the young alpha isn't budging "how about you go see the moving clock while I go sort somethings out with Roy" Roy was Alex's personal bodyguard and father of his sister figure Kitty "fine" Alex said playing with the hem of his Hamilton hoody. He had been dropping not so subtle hints about the musical coming to Bludhaven for months now and he wanted to go badly. He was walking to the clock when he saw a small girl with curly black hair walking towards him "hi" she said with so much enthusiasm he was taken aback "h-hi" Alex stuttered out playing with the hem of his hoodie "you like Hamilton?" He asked trying to make small talk she looked at him like he was stupid, he's not stupid "ya, how can you tell?" she asked not looking at her own shirt which literally had all the hamilton songs on it. "Your shirt" he replied, she blushed "oh" she looked up at the clock and smiled when it started to chime "I didn't miss it" she breathed taking his hand showing him her soulmate tattoo in the process "cool animals" he comments looking at the cat and penguin dancing around her wrist "yea the person who made-" she started but the ground shaking cut her off "what's that?" Alex already knew and wanted to keep his new friend safe from them, so he grabbed her hand and started dragging her to his father who was already looking for him with another man on his heels "Tati!" The other man looks up and runs to Alex's new friend, scooping her up and saying they have to leave "but what about my new friend?" She asked him while innocently, playing with his wolf ears. He looked at me and then back at the chaos that ensued around us almost as if he could sense the very vibrations in the street "the past is the past Damian swallow your stinking pride and run!" the omega all but shouted at his soulmate grabbing Alex by the arm and running with Hananiah in his arms only to get halfway out of the city when they were stopped by an angry man in orange and black "not so fast Owl"  the man growled and the omega holding the twins froze, grabbing a throwing star Alex keet in his shoe and being the kid he was he threw it at the man in orange. Buying them some time to get away the young omega puts Hananiah down and starts attacking the man with what looked like long cattle prods "run away my cubs and never look back" the man shoved them into a bush hiding them from view. When the orange man inevitably triumphed over the young omega stabbing him in the heart, he told his army men to look for the young cubs.

A man in a modified shadows uniform found them a little while after dark "listen to your father young ones run, i know what he does with his prisoners" the twins ran that day and never looked back.

Two weeks later the twins met a girl two years older than them with black hair and a white streak cascading down the front of her face. Turns out she was there older cousin and a member of the young resistance in which she was the only member

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