New Possibility

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(Took place after Future Unexpected, since I haven't published full book of it, I suppose I can give a little preview. I apologize if the title are inaccurate, I can't come up with a better title which makes me pretty embarassed) 

Silence, not even a single sound. Thats when surrounding become suspicious, Tom who have been locking himself inside his room can't ignore the silence anymore, he put away his bass, walking toward his door, where could Edd and Matt go? 

Opening his door open, he look around, there's not even any sign of his friends lingering around. He quickly walk downstairs, checking the kitchen and living room. This is where his heart pounds, where the fuck are them, Tom getting worried, in instance, he walk upstairs and began knocking Edd door but still no response, even he does the same with Matt door. 

Sweat rolled off from his forehead as he try to think on more place... Bathroom! 

Without any hesitation, he walk toward the bathroom, checking it. That's when he saw a weird device laying on the floor, he get closer, picking it up. Suddenly, the device lit up and everything changed... Completely. 


"Ow! What the fuck?! "A really familiar voice woke Tom up, he quickly realized he had hit somebody, he got off the person he hit. The person start to stand up and before they knew it.. 

"What the hell?! "They both yelled, not believing what's laid infront of them. 

Seriously, how could this be possible?! 

Infront of Tom is himself, wearing weird goggles and blue suit, guns strapping side by side, is this.... Future him? 

"Damn, how did you get here kid? "His future self have his sour face "I don't fucking know, I was just in the bathroom a while ago when suddenly i got fucking tossed here"Tom scoffed, he doesn't like being called kid "How the fuck is that possible, and you look familiar "His future self doesn't even bother to be respectful "Yeah you look like an old man, damn is this future me? I look so fucking old" Tom laughs and Future Tom looks annoyed "The fuck you say kid, one more shit out your mouth im gonna shove you to the fucking hell"Tom smirked "Oh yeah try me you old bastard"Future Tom grabs his collar, dragging him closer "You fucking rude little shit-" when suddenly a crash interrupt them, zombies are trying to get inside the building. Future Tom let go of him and tsked, tossing a gun to him "You got lucky kid otherwise your face gonna greet my fucking fist" Tom grabs the gun and look at him "Bro, if wanna fight just fight this zombies are nothing" Future Tom laughs "The fuck you saying? You're an idiot or something? These zombies are everywhere and you wanna fucking be eaten by this fucking zombies" Tom are curious now "What do you mean by that-" 

Sound of window crashing cut him off "Get the gun ready, kid, it's killing time" Future Tom grabs both his bio-guns, his electric eyes shine as if the targets are already lock-in. Tom who was in hurry quickly unlock his gun, as the zombies start to crash in, he point it to them "Yeah, drag these fuckers all to hell" the sound of guns shooting and zombies groaning could heard, and two men in the zombie apocalypse, guns in the hands as they wipe all those nasty parasite off their sight. 


"Hey man that was so fucking cool" Future Tom smirked at the sight of past him smiling, they barely escape the chaos, bruises and blood covering them "I know right and never I thought i meet my past self all sudden" Tom put the gun in his hoodie "Yeah me too never I thought I meet my future self "Future Tom stopped walking "Damn you brings nostalgia shit back to me bro" Tom stopped too "The fuck you're saying? Your era are so fucking amazing man, not like mine they're boring as fuck"they both laugh as if they forget they were enemies long ago. 

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