Truth or dare?

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Everyone was here, except for Stan and Beverly. I was dreading their arrival, but I was excited at the same time, I was finally seeing my best friends again, why was I nervous? My palms were sweaty when the doorbell went. Bill jumped up to get the door. I could hear Stan and Bev's voice. they were here.  oh god. I took a quick puff of my inhaler and went to greet them. I got up and slowly walked to the door, before I even got a chance to say hi, Bev had wrapped me in a hug. "I missed you so so much, I am so sorry I didn't meet you earlier." well that went better than expected. "no no, don't be sorry, I'm sorry" we laughed. for the first time in months we laughed. it was bliss. "Oh hi Stan!" God I forgot that Stan was here. fuck. me. "hey, Eddie". Wait.. did Stan just try to hold Bill's hand? Whatever, I'm probably just seeing things..

At first it was.. awkward. No one really said anything, we just.. stared.. until Richie spoke up, thank god. "We should play truth or dare!" It was a great idea, we all thought so, except for Stan. "uh.. mabye we could play something else? Anything else.." Killjoy.  "Oh come on Staniel, there's nothing to hide! this is a judgement free house!" They argued for 5 minutes but eventually we managed to convince him to play. We played rock, paper, scissors to see who asked first.  Beverly won so she went first. "Richie, truth or dare." 
"dare, I ain't no pussy" God, he is such a nerd. 
"okay smart-ass, I dare you to get me a drink." 
"oh fuck you." he did it anyway. he's a sweetheart really. 
"Okay, who's next!" I asked, I wasn't expecting an answer, but it was too quiet.
"I-I-I'll go, st-stan, truth or d-d-d-dare!"
"truth" of course stan would choose truth, he's never been fond of dares.
"who's y-y-your cr-cr-crush?"
"I- uh-" we lost his gaze, he went red in the face.. whoever it was, was in the room..

the losers club but make it late teensWhere stories live. Discover now