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minstarz: hey

sunshine: hey minho :)

sunshine: how are you?

minstarz: not good

minstarz: is it normal for someone to rub your thigh even though you told them to stop?

sunshine: no...

sunshine: what happened?

minstarz: its not a big deal

sunshine: yes it is,

sunshine: if it made you uncomfortable then its wrong

minstarz: my tutor...he did it multiple times even though i told him to stop...

sunshine: how old is he?

minstarz: a year older than me

sunshine: you should tell someone and avoid him

minstarz: no one would listen |

minstarz: ok...thank you sungie :)

sunshine: your welcome cutie

minstarz: are you ever gonna show me how you look like?

sunshine: maybe one day


i need to update more 🔪🔪

sad ending or happy ending hmmmmm

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