Chapter 20

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Enjoy guys!

{Finding Lady Tsunade & a fight}


It was the day that Kairi had to go with Jiriya. She didn't want to leave her friends or boyfriend, but she knew she was needed on this mission. Kairi woke up and got changed. She then headed down to have breakfast.

She smiled when she saw Rin making breakfast and Kakashi was feeding Ken. "Good morning." Said Kairi.

"Morning Kairi." Said Kakashi with a eye smile.

"Morning Kairi." Said Rin. She put pancakes and rolled omelettes on the table. Kairi sat down and said happily taking some of the food, "Thank you big sis." Kairi also got her some milk.

"Your welcome." Said Rin with a smile.

Rin and Kakashi were going to miss Kairi. They didn't like the idea of Kairi being around Jiriya. Rin had also threatened him to not leave Kairi or corrupt her. Jiriya had agreed scared. He didn't want to make Rin or Kairi made. They were scary when they wanted to be.

Kairi soon finished her breakfast. She put her dishes away after washing them. She hugged Rin and then Kakashi. She kissed Ken on the cheek and she ran to get her travel scroll. She knew she would be better off with this instead of a pack. She then went to put her sandles on. She ran out of the house calling a see you later.

Kakashi and Rin hoped for the best. They just wanted their little sister in everything but blood to come back safe.


It didn't take long for Kairi got to the gate. She didn't have to wait long. She smiled when she saw Jiriya coming up. He grind and said singing them out, "Let's go kid." Kairi grumbled under her breath. She was already thirteen. She didn't like being called a kid. She had said goodbye to her friends yesterday.

"So well walk for a few hours then I'll have you train for a few and then we'll have lunch. Then well head off again. Hopefully we'll get to the town Tsunade is at before she leaves." Said Jiriya.

Kairi nodded. She still didn't know if she was going to make any difference. She didn't know if she could conference Lady Tsunade enough to come back with them. She sighed as she saw how Jiriya looked like she would safe him a lot of screening.

They talked a little while and then fall into a comfortable silents. Kairi already missed her friends. Jiriya was already creeping her out. She hit him five times already. "Why did I even agree to this?" She said with a sigh.

Jiriya grumbled and rubbed his head.
He did make any perverted comment after that. He didn't want to get hit again. They soon came to a good spot for Kairi train. She first stretched and then she practiced her skills. Jiriya then had her learn her fathers Jutsu what he didn't finished. She got the first step down fast. Once she did they had lunch.

Kairi had made food they could have on the rode. Jiriya love it and he knew she got her cooking skills from her mother. They headed out after they cleaned up after themselves. Kairi used her Chakra sometimes to sense around them. She felt like they were being followed. Jiriya could feel it too and he looked on edge.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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