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I had an argument with my mom regarding the giving away of my stuff. I was mad because they couldn't even let me decide what to give out despite the fact that I am the owner of the things that will be given away. after a long process of talking and shouting, we finally settled it with me deciding.

I went outside for a stroll just to relaxed my mind. I found myself on the front porch of the house owned by my aunt. I saw a swing and decided to sit on it.

I few minutes has passed when I suddenly heard some whispering. It was as if it's whispering directly to my ear. It started to get louder and louder by the second but no one was around to be the cause of it. I was surprised that I didn't even found the whispering weird and unsettling. But what's more weird was the fact that I understood what the the whispering means despite it sounding only like muffled voices. I know what it means, I'm pretty sure I know.

The whispering wants me to know that someone is gonna escape tonight. Someone from my house. And it shouldn't. I ran home and locked all the doors.

I was about to go to sleep when I noticed something. Why am I alone in my room? Oh right, I forget, I wanted to be independent. I chuckled at the thought. My mom and dad decided to sleep at the room beside mine because I wanted to be alone in my room. Ignoring it, I went by it and sleep.

I woke up in the morning and decided to take a shower. I saw unfamiliar people laying in a mattress on our receiving area. I made my way to the bathroom which is beside the receiving area silently, afraid I'm gonna disturb the visitors. I went inside and took off my clothes. I started pouring water on my head and softly humming a tune.

I turned around and was about to get the shampoo when I noticed the door is missing its doorknob. Confused, I slowly went to the door. I Halt when I felt a cold thing on my foot. It was the doorknob. I looked up but was startled when a face welcomed mine.

It was the one of the man lying on the mattress earlier. I shivered with the sight of him plastering a creepy wide grin. I came to a realization that I was still naked. I pulled the towel and covered my unclothed body.

He stepped inside. I took a step back every step forward he took, still with the creepy wide grin. Oh, how I'd love to take that grin of his face. I was petrified when a cold tiled wall welcomed my bare back. I was shouting curses at him telling him to stop whatever he is doing. He didn't, instead his grin widens as if it wasn't wide enough.

I was there, in a shock of horror, unable to move when his dirty hands went up to mine. All I could do was to cry and breakdown.

I woke up panting. I looked around, terrified. There is no one there so I ran to the receiving area to see if the people were there. I saw no one. It was just a dream. Sighing in relief, I went back to my room and lay down.

I was still in a state shock when my mom went to my room. I was creeped out by the grin plastered on her face.

"Mom?" I called. She went near me and sat on my bed. She brushed my hair with her fingers, still with the grin on.

"Did you enjoy it?" She asked. I was in a daze for a moment.

"What? I don't understand you mom."

Her grin grew wider until she ended up laughing hysterically.

"What's happening?" I asked. Starting to get scared now. But she kept on laughing while pointing at me. Scared, I ran out of my room.

"Get back here!" She shouted, still laughing. I heard footsteps behind me, an indication of her following me. I ran fast to the closest door I found. Bathroom.

I went inside and was about to close and lock the doors, when I suddenly noticed the missing doorknob. No! Not again please!

Before I can do anything, the door opened. A familiar face of a man welcomed mine. It was the man from my dream.

I ran to the corner, went on my knees, begging him to let me go. I cried and shouted until---

I woke up. It was a dream, I'm awake now, I'm safe. Or so was I thought.

I went outside and looked around. No one was there. I was about to go to the kitchen when I felt someone poking my legs. I looked down and found my niece sitting down.

"Oh! Hi kitty! (not my niece's real name)"

She just stared at me. I was confused on to why she won't speak. My niece is 7 years old, she's small but I'm pretty sure she can speak. She also is so talkative and gullible around me, so I was wondering why she was suddenly silent.

"K-Kitty?" I asked.

Slowly, a grin stretched in both her cheeks. It stretches until she was already laughing and pointing at me.

I ran, fast, knowing that she will follow. She was behind me, shouting curses and calling me worthless. I was at the verge of crying. My tears are at the corners of my eyes. She just straight up pointed all my imperfections. And the fact that she was my 7 years old niece, made it worse. How the hell did she even knew all this words?

I was crying while running. I can't even see where I am heading to because my tears are blurring my sight. Suddenly, I tripped. I fell down. I can't do anything but to cry. I cannot even utter a word. My throat is hurting me bad. Why is this happening to me? I heard her laughter getting closer and closer, until---

I woke up. I woke up with my aunt shaking my shoulders.

"Wake up rare! Wake up! (Not my real name)"

I jumped off my bed and hugged her. Crying. She was patting my back. Soothing me.

"Did you like it?"

I pulled myself up, putting a distance between us.

"What do you mean?" I was panicking again.

"Surprise! It was our present! You let us out so we gave you a little something."

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Dear, you are so self centered. You are so full of yourself. You are stuck with this idea of you being liked by everyone. So, we gave you a little something called 'REALIZATION'. It was to remind you how worthless you are. How everyone just take advantages of you. And how people you considered family, will soon betray you. Get your mind on date, love. Realize It as soon as possible, and thank us after."

I crawled to the corner, crying. I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged it tight, closing my ears with my hands. Thoughts running in my head. Tears descending from my eyes.

"What is this?" The only thing I can utter using my small voice. She just laughed hysterically.

I closed my eyes, slowly drifting into oblivion. When all I can see was darkness---

I woke up. For real this time. I hope.


So yeah! That was the most recent dream I can remember. It was from yesterday. My narration of my dream wasn't really too accurate for you know, it's a dream. I'm allowed to forget few details.

I hope you liked how I narrate it. I'm new to this so don't judge me.

So how was it? I do really hope you liked it and please tell me your opinions and suggestions on the way I write things. I accept any constructive critism. I'd love to read them.

Thank You! :*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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