Part 17

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"Baby whyyyy" I laughed "because I missed you" he replied " I was gone not even 2 minutes" I laughed "to long to long"he shoke his head. "You wanna watch a movie" he asked "mmm just for the fun of it I wanna watch vampire diaries" I responded he laughed in my response. He turned it on and we got cuddled up together. He played with my hair when I was on his chest. " I love you" I said in shock that I said that I got off of his chest and got my things because he probably wouldn't say it back. Next thing I knew he was infront of me "I love you to" I smiled at him and kissed him the kiss got deeper and slower as he directed backwards to the bed "I" kiss "love" kiss "you" kiss "so fucking" kiss "much" he said between each kiss". He got on top of me and pulled off my shirt and he pulled off his. He unclipped my bra as I attempted to pull of his sweats. "Need help with that" he smirked as I nodded my head slowly. He pulled them off and his dick sprun up from his pants on to his stomach. He pulled down my pants and underwear in one.he started kissing my neck leaving dark hickies on my neck I let out a soft moan as I could feel him smirk against my skin. "Baby I need you" I told him " needy aren't you" he answered . Without wasting time he trusted into me causing a loud moan and a grunt from him. With every trust i was getting closer and closer. "Baby don't stop" I moaned "fuck y/n" he grunted " I'm close"  "me to baby" he answered we rod out our highs. He rolled over me to help catch our breath. "I want you to turn me" I looked at him...
Cliffhanger what do you thinks going to happen Ill add more tonight!!!

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