Chapter Sixteen

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Do you ever feel like the walls are caving in?
And there's nothing you can do to stop them.
I'm walking over the 'Daed Bridge'. Everyone nicknames it 'Dead Bridge' because before they put the wire fencing on the sides people would jump off into the traffic. I stop and stand against the wire. I look down at the traffic and for the first time in my life I realised why someone would want to jump off.
I walk away before I can think about it any more.
First day of kindergarten.
The few weeks before this day I was so excited, but a few days ago dad died and I didn't wanna go anymore.
"But Ma I don't wanna go!" I whine.
"Please Logan don't be difficult!"
"But ma. I'm waiting for dad to come back."
"Logan," Mum whispers. "Daddy isn't coming back."
I'm silent for a moment before whispering "I still don't wanna go."
Mum sighs and brings out a blue box. I open it up and inside is a blue watch with cartoon characters on the face.
"Daddy thought you might like it. It's a going to school present."
I look at the watch and hold out my wrist for mum to put it on.
I never took that watch off. It still hangs on my wrist to this day.
"Logan?" I look up to see my mum and Dr Brown both staring at me. Dr Brown was talking about my surgery. A conversation I wasn't interested in.
"Yeah?" I say.
"How do you feel about January 21st?" The doctor asks.
"For what?"
"January 21st is my birthday," I say.
"We can put it forward if you want."

I was not confident I would survive the surgery.It felt ironic that the day I was bought into this world could be the day I'm taken out of it.

I shrug. "January 21st is fine."

I woke up on Monday morning and I feel disoriented. I'm not sure about anything.
"What day is it?"
"What am I supposed to do today?"
Shit!! What's happening to me.
Suddenly one word registers in my mind.

I run into School.
Rose.Rose. Rose. Rose

Then I see her. Rose.
"Rose!" I yell and run to her.
"Logan what is it?"
"Rose go on a date with me."
"Right now."
"Logan we have school."
Suddenly something in my mind clicked. School. I was in the middle of the corridor in my pajamas with no books or anything at 9:00am in the morning.
"Logan are you ok?"
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah," I repeat for myself more then Rose. "I'm fine."
"Logan why don't you do home and get some rest and then when school's finished you can take me on a date. Okay?"
I nod "Okay,"
Rose kisses me on the forehead and then walks to class.
I wake up and turn over in bed and check the clock. 5:00pm.
"Shit!" I shout and scramble out of bed.

I ring the doorbell of Rose's house. I look at my disheveled appearance. I was late. School had been finished for two hours now. I over slept. What was happening to me?
The door opens and Rose smiles at me.
"Hi Logan. I didn't think you were coming."
"I'm sorry I'm late. Go get ready." she smiles and starts to walk away when I add. "Oh and wear something nice."
It's hard to keep your eyes on the road when the most beautiful girl is sitting beside you.
That is the problem I'm having right now.

Eyes on the road Logan. Eyes on the road.

I pull up at the skatepark and get out of the car and open the door for Rose. She looks around.
"A skatepark?"
"You know you really have to work on your patience," I say "just wait and see."

I walk her around to the back of the skatepark to the cracked pavement that was littered with an array of colours.
Drawings of all sorts littered the pavement and Rose looks at me. She looks stunning in a light blue sundress and small silver heels. Her hair is out and cascades down her back.
"This is nice," she says. I know she doesn't mean it.
"Now don't be so condescending Rose. This is only stage one of our date."
"first off what dictionary did you swallow. Second I was not being condescending- whatever that means and third how many stages are there on this date?"
"First off I swallowed the Oxford dictionary. Second it was a joke and third- Be patient."
she groans. "You know I'm horrible at that!"
I grin ". Practice makes perfect my dear. Practice makes perfect."

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