Second secret

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The doctor's POV

As we were walking back to the TARDIS I knew I needed to reassure Rose again that everything would be fine. As we enter the TARDIS Emma quickly turns to Rose.
"Can you help me read more now?" She asks but before Rose has time to answer I quickly answer for her.
"Go and pick a book to read in the library and Rose will be there in a few minutes," I say. She nods and quickly runs off to the library.

"Look, I know all you can think about is what can go wrong but trust me, I promise nothing will happen," I say as I face her.
"But we don't know nothing bad will happen, there has never been a timelord and human pregnancy." She says and I could tell there was a little bit of fear inside of her. I pull her in for a hug to try and make her trust me more.
"Rose, I know you trust me and you need to trust me now, nothing will happen," I could tell she thought about it for a bit before answering.
"What are the chances of something going wrong?"
"No one really knows but I would say probably about five percent of something going wrong," I felt her nod against my shoulder. "Now go and help Emma read while I do some little changes to the TARDIS, and remember, nothing will go wrong," I say while pulling out of the hug. She kisses my cheek and walks out towards the library.

I was changing a few little changes when the TARDIS hummed at me. I stood up and walked into the kitchen, there were three plates of spaghetti, I walk into the library and find Emma trying to write out a few words. I walk over and look on the paper, there was the alphabet in Rose's handwriting and then under it, Emma was trying to write it all out as well.

I knelt down beside her chair and carried on watching her write. She had trouble keeping the paper still with one hand so I put my hand on the paper to keep it steady for her. She looked at me and smiled.
"Is tea ready now?" She asks, I nod.
"Where's Rose?" I ask. She pointed over to the few sofas where she was having a nap.
"go and sit down at the table and we will be there in a minute, she nods and stands up and exits the library, walking towards the kitchen as I walk over to the sofas. Rose was asleep on one of them. I felt really bad for waking her up but I needed to. I crouched down in front of the sofa and gently nudged her shoulder.
"Rose," I whispered as she woke up. "Sorry for waking you but teas ready," She sits up and yawns and adjusts her eyes to the light again.
"What's for tea?" She asks
"Spaghetti," I reply while holding out a hand for her and pulling her up from the sofa.


After tea I went into the library to try and finding a few books, I was kind of hoping to find a few books about timelord pregnancy and human pregnancy to check a few things that are different and if anything bad can happen. At this point I didn't know what Rose was doing, she was putting Emma to bed but that was a few hours ago. But before I could do any more looking I felt a hand on my shoulder and I quickly turned around startled. Rose had walked in the library silently and came to see what I was doing.
"Did I scare you?" She asks with a smile.
"Just a little," I said and nodded. She peered over my shoulder trying to see what I was doing.
"What are you looking for?" She asks
"Just a few books," I say while turning around to face her.
"What kind of books?" I quickly hesitated remembering I reassured Rose earlier nothing bad will happen, I though on the spot and then answered.
"Fixing a few certain things on the TARDIS," I say, she looks at me and nods,
"I thought you knew everything about fixing the TARDIS and flying it?" She asked.
"I do, there are just a few little things I forgot about fixing the TARDIS, the little bits that don't normally need fixing, " obviously I know everything about fixing and flying the TARDIS I just hoped Rose wouldn't think any more of it. "So what have you been up to? I haven't heard from you for a few hours," I ask trying to make small talk so she wouldn't question me further.
"I decided to have a shower and a little wonder around the TARDIS," she says. I nodded.
"Do you know what time it is?" I ask
"It's about midnight," she replies and I nod. There was a few moments of silence before Rose spoke again. "I'm going to go to bed, I only came in to find you, " as she walks to the door I carry on looking for books.


I ended up just sitting in bed awake playing around with a few settings on my sonic screwdriver. Rose woke up shortly after 8 o'clock,
"Good morning," I say looking over to her, she smiles at me as I play with a few more settings.
"How long you been awake for?" She asks while watching me fiddle around with my sonic screwdriver.
"Didn't sleep, isn't really a timelord thing," she nods and stands up off the bed.
"Have you heard from Emma this morning?" She asks. I shake my head and look up at her.
"She normally just stays in her room playing with stuff till either one of us is awake."  She nods and walked out the door and towards Emma's room. As I looked back at my sonic screwdriver It was trying to tell me something was wrong, I fiddled around with it to try and work out what it was telling me. It then came to me that it was working fine all night but when Rose woke up it was trying to tell me something.
"Rose?" I shout while standing up and walking out of the room to find her.
"I'm in here doctor," I heard her shout from the kitchen.
"Is there anything else you haven't told me?" I ask looking at my sonic screwdriver, she shakes her head as I fiddle around with my sonic screwdriver again. It tried to tell me something again and Rose walked over to me.
"Do you know what that means?" She asks,
"It's trying to tell me something, I'll do a check over on you later when I check on Emma's arm," she nods.

After breakfast, we went to the medical room to check up on both Emma and Rose. First I sat Emma up on the medical bed. I took her sling on and then the bandages. I inspected the wound and then soniced it,
"Everything seems fine," I say picking up fresh bandages and walking back over. "If I hurt you just tell me," she nods as I put the bandages back on her then put her arm back in the sling. I helped her off the bed and looked at Rose.
"Up you come," I smile at her, she lies down on the bed as I scan her stomach.
"four heartbeats," I say quietly to myself. Rose looks at me.
"Remember timelords have two hearts, so basically I think the TARDIS was right," I say with a nod. She looks at me curiously.
"Basically your carrying twins," I say as she sits up.

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