The Accident

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It all started here.

       This is Sol. He is the main character of this story. It all started when he had to make an important trip.

     It was August 21st, 2020

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     It was August 21st, 2020.  Why is the text black. Ok I think I fixed it. Ok anyways, Sol was talking with his closest friends. Joon, me, the narrator, Iris and Russ. They were all excited for the splatfest. They were getting ready to play together in a few minutes. Sol reached for his Nintendo Switch, and pressed the power button. It wouldn't come on. "Guys, I have a problem..." Sol typng into discord. He tried ans tried to turn on the switch, it just wouldn't come on. He started to weep. " no no....." the tears started to come faster down his face. "Oh my god, Sol..." Joon started to cry too, "You need to go to Saint Jude's Hospital..." Sol read those words and took his switch and drove to Saint Jude's as fast as he could. "Oh my gld sruoid faggot lol!" Iris and Russ weeped.

    Sol arrived at the children's hospital

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    Sol arrived at the children's hospital. He unbuckled the switch from the passengers seat and ran into the building. "I need the emergency room! Now!" He panted to the person behind the desk. "Ok" he replied. The switch was brought into a room on a bed thing with wheels or whatever, and Sol struggled to keep up. Once they were in the room they did x-rays. The doctors left the room for a moment. After they came back in they told Sol he had brain cancer because the x-rays accidentally picked up his head and he has brain cancer and the switch has too much cum in the internal parts but it also has leukemia. "Oh...god...." Sol began to weep harder and choking on his own spit. He has to get surgery in 5 minutes now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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