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I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.

Instantly I wiggled my way from beneath Landon to check on the kids, which were both asleep safely.

Great. Now I won't be able to go back to sleep.

I bit my lip in anguish and finally decided to deal with the elephant in the room. I slipped on some sandals and made my way out of the room. I was headed to the library.

The library was hard to miss it was a big room filled with every book you could ever need to satisfy a curious mind.

"Jeez are they too rich to afford lights around here?" I whispered. I turned on my phones flash light to see what was around me. A big sign reading abriet Canew Bralo stood out to me, it's translation reading about Canew Bralo. I eventually made my way over to it's laws which were container in five large books. I set my phone down so I could grab them.

Let the research begin.



I woke up to find my wife gone. I shot up instantly to go check on the kids which were safe and sleeping before heading out to go find the love of my life.

"Have any of you seen my wife?" I asked the maids who were coming by with the fresh linens. Of course they frowned because they didn't understand. "Mi espozada, dante hashtan?"

"Oh esh Reina fen lek liabrash." I sighed in relief but then frowned. How long has she been there? I walked into the library to see her head resting on a book of Canish laws. She's so beautiful. I gentle tapped her and she jolted awake.

"Oh my god. It's morning." She whispered.

"How long have you been in here?"

"It's been a while." She mumbled. "But! I did find something. She said looking down at the book tracing it with her fingers.

"Look so in order to be apart of the royal family. You had to have been adopted before the age of three and given the drink of royal blood."

"Okay I know I was adopted practically as soon as I came out the womb. But what is it about the royal blood."

"It's like a ceremony that gives you the blood of royals. It seems like this ceremony hasn't been done in the last three hundred years so if we could get this ceremony done this would be it and you would be king." I looked at the smartest, most beautiful woman I've ever known and I kissed her.

"I don't think you know how much I love you right now." I told her.

"It's okay you don't have to tell me. I know I'm the best."

"Damn right. It looks like we'll be having lunch with my parents to discuss this." She smiled wearily. "They're not that bad Lina."

"I know. I'll be there. But as of right now I have to get ready for training." She said getting up and pecking me on the cheek. I loved this woman.


I met up with the retched woman who had been training me. But this time I had a new attitude about things.

"Princess. Your coronation for your status as princess will be held in two days. Then your coronation as queen, seeing as all things will go smoothly, will be held in three weeks from now. I have three weeks to teach you how to be a queen. Are you ready to do this?"

"Yes of course I am. I was born ready." I scoffed.

"Today I will be teaching you wording. The press feeds off of everything you do. You will learn how to carefully word your sentences before speaking." I nodded.

She sat me down at a table and sat I front of me.

"The King has just been accused of cheating what do you say?"

"How could he have been cheating if he was just blowing my back out last night?" Her jaw practically dropped to the floor. "Can I go again?" I asked sheepishly. She gave me a stern look.


So here I was sitting in front of a mock press which was kinda like a real press conference.

"Princess, how would you respond to the public calling you a street rat orphan?"

"Tell them to go f-" I paused. "Well I would talk to them about my history. My parents were senators for my state and they died tragically doing what they loved. I've taken care of myself ever since and if that makes me a rat then give me a block of cheese." I shrugged and laughed. The room laughed along with me as I went to the next question.


I watched my wife take the most rudest assumptions about her and turn them into jokes.

"She's magnificent isn't she?" Michelle asked. I nodded. "She's definitely a diamond in the rough but nonetheless a diamond. You're luck you got her."

"Is that an insult?"

"Yes, we thought you'd never grow up, then you ran to the states and we thought it was done for. We're partially to blame for your uncles behavior because we had given him a false positive on being King."

"Lesson learned I guess. What can you tell me about a royal blood event."

"Hasn't been done in four centuries almost." She connected the dots. "But that's the only way you can be king. You're going to need the blessing of the royal priest, and at least three other royal members. Luckily for you, you won't actually have to drink blood but instead it'll be a bit like communion."

"Is it that easy?"

"Yes indeed it is. But your parents didn't do it because they knew they'd have some trouble convincing you to be king."

"If it weren't for Lina I don't think I would've stepped up."

"I'm glad you did. Your uncle he's been doing evil things Landon. I don't exactly know what yet but his works have been in the shadows since you left. We need you."

"I know." I said softly.


So. What do y'all think? I'm sorry it took me YEARS to update. Hopefully now it will be more frequent.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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