Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I'm back with chapter two :) I'm actually really excited for this. This chapter is going to be longer and about Bonnie grieving Enzo. In this story, a few side ships will be Delena, Klaroline, and Steferine because those are a few of my fav ships so expect to be seeing some of them!

[Present day]

I was standing outside, in the Mystic Falls cemetery, surrounded by all of my friends and family. Someone was talking but all the words just meshed together. I still couldn't fathom what had happened to Enzo. I hadn't slept or eaten since it happened. Since he died. Stefan was there. He had turned his humanity back on. He and Damon had gotten out of Cade's grasp, but I couldn't even look at him. He killed Enzo. He killed the love of my life with his own hands and everyone just expected me to forgive him. How could I forgive him for something like that? How?

Suddenly, I heard the ceremony ending. I pulled myself back into reality and suddenly, I saw Caroline standing in front of me.

"Bonnie." She frowned. "I am so sorry." She leaned in to hug me but I backed away. I didn't want a pity party. I just turned around and walked away. Out of nowhere I gagged and threw up. That was weird. I turned around and everyone was looking at me.

"Bonnie, are you okay?" Damon asked.

"Bonnie, what's wrong?" Caroline gasped.

"I'm fine." I walked away and left the cemetery, getting into my car and closing the door. I instantly got flashbacks of being in this same car with Enzo. I tried to push them away and stop thinking about them. I drove a good 20 minutes before it was too much to handle. I pulled over on the side of the road, got out of my car and took a few deep breaths. I stood on the sidewalk for a while before exhaling and getting back in my car, completely pushing the memories away.

It was only after I started driving again that I got another weird feeling in my stomach. I quickly rolled down the window and puked out the car window.

It was thoroughly embarrassing. People had seen me. I was not sure why I kept throwing up... it was strange. I kept driving and forgot about it after a while.

When I got home I tossed my keys on the counter and sat on the couch. I glanced at Enzo's guitar in the corner and the memories came rushing back. Me holding his guitar. His warm arms wrapped around my body. Him helping me by holding my hands in his hands, guiding me around the strings. My stomach felt weird again which pulled me back into reality. I ran to the trash can on the other end of the room and vomited.

Third time today. I thought while I cleaned my face with a paper towel. I still didn't think much of it, though. The rest of the night, I tried to go about with my regular life, trying not to think about Enzo.

[Caroline's perspective, starts after Bonnie leaves the cemetery]

I sighed as I watched Bonnie drive away. I was just trying to be supportive. Clearly, I made it worse. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around. It was Stefan.

"Hey." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Hey." He pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back and then we both pulled away. "You okay?" He asked me.

"I'm... close enough." I had forgiven him. I knew that even though he killed Enzo, he was a good person. I don't know why Bonnie couldn't see that. "I'm gonna head home. See the girls."

"Okay." He answered, smiling "Drive safe." He kissed me and I walked away, getting into my car. I hadn't had the best day. Bonnie was so distant. I just wanted to be there for her. I needed to go home. I lied to Stefan about needing to see the girls. They were with Ric tonight anyways. I just needed some alone time without him asking why. I was driving home and decided to stop at a small corner store to grab some snacks. I parked right in front and walked inside, taking a basket and a few things from the shelves. I went up to the cashier and bought the things, before getting back in my car and driving home.

When I got home, I picked up the bag from the convenience store, my purse, and got out of the car. I walked up the porch steps and opened the screen door, not noticing anything out of the ordinary. Suddenly, I heard a voice I recognized.

"Hello, Love." I turned around and saw him sitting on my porch swing. Klaus Mikaelson.

"Klaus?" I was shocked to see him. "What... what are you doing here?" He stepped onto the porch off the swing and took a step towards me.

"Klaus..." I started in a hushed voice. I could feel the sexual tension from the moment I heard his voice.

"Shhh..." He wrapped a strand of hair behind my ear and leaned his face in closer. We were both breathing heavy. I love Stefan. I love Stefan. I love Stefan. I told myself the same words over and over again. I love stef- my thoughts were interrupted when Klaus put his hand on my chin, pulling my face up to his and kissing me. It was deep. I could feel the warmth in his skin. I could feel the passion in his veins. I kissed him back. It was amazing.

[Bonnie's perspective, the next morning]

When I woke up, I was alone in the bed. That was the first time in years that I had woken up alone. At least I had finally slept. I think the funeral gave me closure. I'm obviously still grieving and I'm still sad but... I know it's real now. He's dead and that's real. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth. I picked up my toothbrush and looked in the mirror. Enzo was standing behind me. I dropped my toothbrush on the ground and spinned around. He wasn't there. I looked back in the mirror. Still not there.

I curled into a ball on the ground and started to cry. He wasn't there. He's gone. I am never going to see him... talk to him... kiss him again. I wasn't sure if I could do it anymore. I wasn't sure if I could do it without him. After a while of crying, I wiped my tears and stood up. I quickly brushed my teeth and tried to stop thinking about him. It was nearly impossible, but eventually I did it. The day went by like normal and before I knew it, it was nighttime again. I tried my best to sleep. It wasn't going very well but eventually I must've finally drifted off.

I woke up early in the morning when it was still dark out. I was going to go back to bed but then figured there wasn't much of a point in it and got up to make coffee. As I took a mug from the cabinet, I felt something weird. It felt like another presence somewhere in me. It was strange. I set the mug on the counter and put my hand on my heart. I felt my heartbeat, like normal. I moved my hand a bit further down onto my stomach. I felt something like what I had felt on my chest, only smaller. I looked down at my stomach. I put my hand back on it again and felt the thumping. I rushed to the store and bought a couple boxes of pregnancy tests.

When I got back home, I quickly went into the bathroom. 20 minutes later my timer went off and I rushed to look at the pregnancy test. All 4 of them had 2 lines. That couldn't be... It was impossible... vampires can't recreate. unless he could... it would explain the throwing up... I could picture a little baby boy with Enzo's face. I got excited. I looked at the sticks one more time to make sure and my smile grew even bigger. Suddenly, I jolted awake.

Okay, I really hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. It took me a while, and was a lot longer than the last chapter. I included a snippet of Caroline's perspective in this as well! Also, the whole "pregnancy" was a dream if you couldn't tell from the last line. Did you guys like the longer chapter? Would you like them to be longer in the future? Shorter? Let me know and be sure to review and give me recommendations! I have ideas for chapter 3 already and im excited to share them with you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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