Chapter 3: Dorm rooms.

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Enyo's teacher, Miss Alexandria had decided that after the first term was over, Enyo would move into the dorms. Enyo was terrified of what she thought the dorm was. But you'd be frightened too if you had never heard of dorms before and had just watched Matilda, right?

As Enyo walked through the education institute, she shivered, hoping Kage and Jacinta would see her. The first to see her was Kage. He saw her and instantly ran towards her. To protect her from the hailstones hitting her like small ice cannonballs. Kage wrapped his only jacket around the still shivering Enyo. Enyo felt as if her legs would give out any second, causing her to faceplant into the cold, muddy turf. Enyo marched onward, with Kage and Jacinta now by her side, stopping her from falling. Enyo's mind wandered while walking towards the ever-nearing dorm rooms

I like someone, but which do I like? Kage or Jacinta? I need to make a choice...

Enyo slipped on the mud, causing her face to become covered in brown, gooey, wet mud. She felt one pair of soft, warm hands pick her up off the cold ground. Enyo couldn't see who it was, but she didn't need to, she could recognise that strength anywhere.

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