Chapter 30

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Fall and winter both pass rather fast. I enjoy the different seasons. Winter is especially cool. Everything seems like it is buried under a layer of cold, that is until it reappears when spring comes around.

The school year has been quite different for me. I finally decided to quit AcaDec after I missed like five meetings. It was after I made that decision when Mrs. West confronted me.

"Kirsten, why haven't you been attending the AcaDec meetings?" She demanded.

"Um, I forgot?" Me forget something? Yeah right.

Mrs. West just frowned at my pathetic excuse. "Kirsten, you and I both know that there is no possible way that you forgot about AcaDec."

Alright, if she wants the truth then I'll give her the truth. "Fine, I have choosen not to participate in that club this year." I walked away before she could yell at me for quiting her club.

To say Mrs. West was upset with me would be an understatement, but I really didn't care anymore. I have better things to do that slave over a project that is just going to get nitpicked.

AcaDec is not the only thing I am no longer involved in. I dropped out of National Honors Society (the community service hours were a real pain to do anyway), Speech, and Debate. And honestly, I can't say I regret it. Those activities were just a drain of my time. I enjoy my new found freedom; I have no wish to relinquish it.

"It looks beautiful. Don't do anything else to it." A voice came from the doorway.

I had been brushing my hair in front of the mirror, and I was just ready to begin straightening my hair. Turning, I saw Jacob watching me. "No, my hair looks bad and I am going to straighten it."

"Don't make me take your straightener away." Jake looked serious, so I reluctantly decided to obey his wish.

Jacob makes me feel pretty no matter how I looks. No matter if I am in worn out sweats or a ball gown, I'm going to feel like a princess around him. Any self confidence issues I had in the past are practically nonexistent now.

"Fine," I plopped down on the couch.

"So just out of curiosity, which college have you decided to go to?" Jacob settled himself on the couch next to me.

Over the past months, Jacob and I have become close. We are more relaxed in each other's presence and we share our goals with each other.

"I have not decided yet." I told him. "But at least I have all summer to decide."

"Uh huh." Ever since Jacob put Rachael in her place, our relationship has blossomed. Rachael still flirts with Jake periodically, but I know he's mine. That is all that matters to me.

On a more solemn note, I still am not sure what I should do with GREEN. Should I just hide it or something? Maybe if I hide it well enough it could just disappear. That is not likely to happen, but it would be nice.

"You know, the antimatrium is nearly charged again. You'll be able to go back to your time period soon." I spoke my thoughts aloud.

"But I don't want to go back. Do I have to?"

That is what I was hoping he would say. I looked into his beautiful eyes. "Of course not."

"Good. I want to be with you for forever and always." Jacob put his arm around me and stroked my hair.

I like that. Years from now, we could get married, have kids, and just be together.

"Jake, you never told me why you were friends with Edward. He was never really nice to me. Why would you want to be with him any longer than necessary?"

"It seems really stupid now. I thought Edward had something of mine and I wanted it back." Jacob's fingers traced the outline of my ear.

"What did you think he had?"

"Well, you might think this is rather funny, but I thought he had my family's heirloom emerald ring."

Now it makes sense why Jacob had kept GREEN for so long. He thought GREEN was his heirloom ring. "That is kind of funny." I agreed.

"But you know, if I hadn't been friends with Edward, I probably would never have gotten to know you so well."

"Yeah," I agreed as I rested my head on Jacob's shoulder.

"I love you." Jake murmured in my ear.

I will never be able to forget this moment. It is a moment when all I can hear is the gentle breathing of the person next to me, and I know I have nothing to worry about. With Jacob, I am perfectly safe. It is a moment of comfort.

Everything for me seemed almost too good to be true. But at that moment, I truly felt that life was perfect. If only it was...

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