Chapter 2: Runaway

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Author's note: Okay, so this is suppose to be the second half of the first chapter but it was taking a long time to type it up and it would have been way too long so i decided to chop it up. This is where all the action is. ^_^ -Reagen


"Kat," Demetri says. I snap out of the day dream I was living in. "You think we lost them yet?" I look behind me, checking the wide open field of tall, green grass punctuated with bright reds and yellows, checking for any sign of followers. We were good, but maybe not for long.

"Yeah, we're out far enough," I say, and stop walking. The whole group follows me and halts, resting on one knee or thrustinf out a hip and leaning their weight on one leg. "Just remember guys, stay on the lookout. Powers at the ready." With that said, I materialize a campground in the feild, close enough to the edge of forest. It consists of a couple of tents, all the same color of tarp blue, and five tree stumps around a bonfire pit.

I sit on the farthest right tree stump and take a deep breath. Looking up, the sun's right above us. It's bright and cheery, a weird contrast to my sparkly black tee and black skinny jeans -mourning clothes for a sad occasion- and instantly remembered the deaths.

"So, can we drop our disguises?" Payton asks, tugging on her black hair with blue highlights. I nod and wave a hand over my face and all our faces shift back to our original looks. I scan over all my friends: Demetri with his blonde hair and light baby blue blue eyes wearing the plaid button-up, Payton eith the brown hair fading to amber at the ends with the purple dress on her small frame, Carson in the black suit, jet black hair waving down over his steel gray eyes, amd Sara with the dirty blonde hair, light brown eyes, red party dress twirling aeound her legs.

"Much better," Payton says, sighing with a smile. I look at my hands and feet, my body and pumps. I liked the person I was portraying to be. The clothes I was wearing didn't look right on the true me. I didn't have the right curves, pr the perfect cleavage, or the right legs. Instantly I felt self-concious in my own skin.

"So, what's next?" Demetri asks, leaning forward, forearms on his legs. All four of them turned to me. I just shook my head.

"I don't know," and i nod my head towards Carson. "Car?" He smiles and nods his head, looking at all of us.

"Gladly. Okay, guys, our first goal is to find a place to stay that'll be safe from Hunters." He pulls a cube fron his pocket. After turning a dial and pressing a couple of buttons, he casts the cube onto the ground. The metal makes a clanking noise and it lands on the dirt, bounces up, the unfolds and levitates in midair. A holographic map slowly forms in the air, showing us more and more of local California as the nanoseconds pass. "We are approximately," he types a couple of things onto a floating keyboard, drawing out the word 'approximately', "here." An x appears on the hologram in a flat clearing surrounded by trees.

"Okay," I say, touching our location and rotating the map. "It looks like right here," I point at a strip of road in the corner of the projection, "there's a road that has towns along the way. It leads right out of California. It's perfect."

"I don't know about this guys," Payton grimaces uneasily and stands up. "What if the Hunters get us?"

Demetri stands up and hugs Payton, wrapping his arms around her just like he did at the funeral. "That's where I come in," he whispers where he thinks only Payton can hear. I'm sitting right beside of there public display of affection that I catch it. Payton buries her face into his well-muscled chestand wraps her arms around his neck.

"Awwwh, you two are so cute that it's gross!" I say and they both look at me grinning. I tickle Payton and pat Demetri on the shoulder.

"So when do we head out?" Demetri asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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