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I was in a small lake. I hadn't given it a name since I came to the island with my family and friends, but I came here every early morning before breakfast to bathe myself. I always loved swimming in the warm, feel-good lake after I took off my clothes, leaving on only my white loincloth and my pink, orange and white top. It's something I always did every morning while Tulio and Miguel went hunting or harvesting. But they didn't have to do any of that stuff for this morning or the last two mornings before it because Rika prepared us with some of delicious fruit and vegetables she grew with her magic for not just breakfasts, but also for lunch, dinner and supper. Everything she magically grew tasted really delicious. I had eaten many yummy fruit and vegetables during my life, whether they were in El Dorado or in Kumandra or on this island, but I had never tasted anything like Rika's food. Everything she grew tasted like real food; I couldn't taste any magic in it at all. Everyone else, including Moana and her people, were all fans of her magical harvest as well.

Without having to worry about growing, harvesting or even preparing the food for meals, I would still come to do my usual bathing every morning before doing my other jobs like fixing any holes in my house, setting up the fireplace for tonight's fire and make sure whatever we don't eat our animal friends on this island gets them. Since hunting or harvesting food was no longer required, Tulio and Altivo went to chop down and collect firewood for winter while Miguel continued to help Moana and her people with their new village. While I, Tulio and Miguel were doing their jobs, Benito's job was keeping Olaf, Kasper and Rika entertained and occupied. He had been doing so since Miguel and Moana found them out to sea and he had been doing a really good job. Not together but individually, Kasper and Rika kept telling me what a fun person he was. Kasper told me how cool he was, how bright he was and how he learnt a lot from him than anybody back in Arendelle. Rika told me the same and how nice he was and he even helped make her feel good about herself. Though she didn't say it and I never asked her about it, I thought she might be showing hints that she had a crush on him. And Olaf enjoyed spending time with Benito when he was not with Miguel helping Moana and her people. I was really proud of my son.

As usual, this morning's swim was very peaceful with the birds singing in the beautiful tall trees surrounding the lake. Then I heard some crying, but it wasn't a bird. It was a person. I swam to follow that voice and I found out who it belonged to: Rika. She was sitting on the edge of the lake wearing a white swimsuit. She was crying her eyes out.

"Rika!" I called.

She looked at me with tears streaming down her eyes faster than waterfalls. "Hi, Auntie Chel."

I was still confused why she called me that since she came to this island. I wasn't technically her aunt or even her godmother. I thought it was probably because she didn't have her mother or her father or her aunt Elsa. But I was touched when she called me that all the same. I got out of the water to comfort her and she hugged my wet body. "What's up, Rika? Are you still upset about your family and your home?"

"Yes!" Rika sobbed. "And my own brother doesn't like me."

"I'm sure he does," I told her. Even though they never had an argument or a fight in front of me and my family, I could tell that they didn't get on with each other. I had asked Olaf why they didn't, but he didn't know himself even though he had known them their whole lives. Not even Anna, Kristoff or Elsa could work out why. The only good thing said about her was that she was good with her magical skills; he didn't give her more praise than that. And he never said she was the best sister in the world unlike her who said he was the best brother in the world. And she said she how much she loved him and how much she looked up to him.

"He just probably doesn't know it," I told Rika.

"Or think it," she said. "He just told Benito that he's like a brother to him and that doesn't make me feel good about myself."

"I know that deep down he loves you," I told her. "He'll realise it one day."

Benito once told me when we were alone that he thought that maybe Kasper was jealous of Rika because he was the eldest prince and next in line for the throne of Arendelle and he didn't have freedom while Rika had more freedom and was getting special attention for learning how to control her powers. What I couldn't work out is why Kasper couldn't see that he had more freedom than his sister, who was born with the magic powers she didn't choose and she needed his love to help her control them. I could be wrong, but I thought the reason why she was calling me Auntie Chel because she was trying to find love and control her powers.

"Why don't you come into this lake, Rika?" I jumped back in. "It's really nice and you'll feel better for it."

She wiped her tears and smiled. "Okay."

"By the way, did you make that swimsuit all by yourself? I noticed the cotton work."

"Yes, I did, Auntie Chel," she said, as she stepped into the lake. "I made it with my magical cotton powers."

As I saw her swim to me, I thought she was swimming very well for a five-year-old. The more she swam, the happier and more relaxed we both felt. We had a few laughs as we splashed each other a few times. And then I saw Rika using her magic to create an enormous lily pad. She got on it and smiled at me.

"I just need a rest, Auntie Chel," she said. "Come on up. This lily pad will take the both of us."

I swam to it and sat on it. Rika was right. It took our weight and it was really comfortable and sturdy.

"This lake is really nice, Auntie Chel," Rika said.

"Yeah, this is why I come her to bathe every day," I told her.

"I'm sorry to be a nuisance and disturb your private time."

"There's nothing to be sorry for. You are not a nuisance at all. I really like your company. And there's nothing to worry about. Uncles Tulio and Miguel and I haven't forgotten about Arendelle or your family. We're still working on it, but we don't have a really good plan yet."

Rika smiled sadly. "Thanks for your time and effort for thinking of the plans, Auntie Chel. I really appreciate it."

"I know how you feel, Rika," I told her, "because I lost my family in El Dorado when I was your age. I lost my mother, my father and my triplet brothers."

"What happened?"

I didn't know why I started to tell Rika all of this. I wished I hadn't because it was a really upsetting story, so upsetting I didn't even tell Tulio, Miguel or Benito. But, for some reasons I didn't know or couldn't think about, I went ahead and told Rika. "First, I and all of my triplet brothers lost our parents when the high priest Tzekel-Kan scarified them for a crime against the gods. He didn't tell us what the crime was or what proof he had and he just went ahead and killed them. Then sometime later, my triplet brothers, Patlee and Yaotl were accused of another crime against the gods. Patlee managed to flee El Dorado, but Yaotl was sacrificed by Tzekel-Kan." It was my turn to shed some tears of my own.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you, Auntie Chel," Rika said.

"The only thing that kept me going in El Dorado besides scavenging for water and food was my friend Tlazopilli who was about my age. He was so warm, funny and romantic and we quickly fell in love. But when we came to the right age for getting married, Tzekel-Kan had him sacrificed for a crime against the gods. When he left, there was nothing for me left in El Dorado. That was when I felt that I had to leave the city with Tulio and Miguel even if I didn't love Tulio, but I'm glad I do."

Then I heard a loud horse neigh. I looked up to at the edge of the lake was Tulio on Altivo.

"Come on!" Tulio cried. "We need to get to shelter!"

Rika and I swam to Tulio and Altivo. I grabbed my clothes but didn't put them on because judging by Tulio's panicked voice it was so serious we had to get going at once. Rika used her magic to create a brown cotton dress over her swimsuit. I helped her onto Altivo and, after I jumped on, he rode off at once.

"What's the problem, Tulio?" I asked.

"We're being invaded!" he told me.

Polynesian Monster Invasion (Road to El Dorado + Frozen Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now