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    "Ready?" Hyunsuk called from the other side of the backyard.
"I hope so!" I called back.
"Hut!" He yelled and I immediately started running.
I had no idea how to play football but I saw them all start running so I figured to at least fit in.
I was running around in my onesie when something hard hit my head causing me to fall.
"What the fuck Jayla?!" Mashiho yelled as he jogged to me.

  "You know you're supposed to look for the ball and catch it. And you're running the wrong way!" He exclaimed as I stood up.
"Well sorry but you guys didn't make that clear!" I said and he huffed.
"Can we please trade? Jayla for Jihoon." Mashiho said and I balled my fists.
"I didn't wanna be on your stupid team anyways!" I said and he stuck his tongue out at me.
"Jayla, you can join our team." Jihoon said as he patted my back.

  "Is your head okay?" Jeongwoo said as he was sitting in one of the chairs.
"Yea. I'm fine." I smiled at him.
"Ready? Hut!" Hyunsuk yelled and I started running next to Jihoon.
Well more like behind him.
"Go Jayla! Whooo!" Jeongwoo was cheering.
I saw Mashiho catch the ball and I immediately went after him.
If there was one thing I understood was that I have to get the ball.
I jumped and tackled Mashiho to the ground.
"I knew you could do it!" Jeongwoo yelled as I was pulled off of Mashiho.

  "So now you know how to play?" Mashiho said rudely as Junghwan and Yedam helped him up.
"I'm guessing you just wanted to be on Doyoung's team right? Or did you just want the attention from Jeongwoo?" He added on and I just stared at him.
"Mashiho stop-" Doyoung said approaching us.
"Are you mad because you got tackled by a girl?" Jihoon laughed.
"I'd be mad too." Haruto added and I looked at the ground.

  "What does my gender have to do with anything?" I asked and Mashiho nodded.
"Right. Let's play." He said throwing the ball to me roughly.
Surprisingly I caught it.
"Actually. I'm gonna go talk to Jeongwoo." I said and forced on a smile.
"It'll be uneven. You can talk to him later." Mashiho said and I felt my heart beat increase.
Something told me that he was gonna play to hurt me.
"Ball." Hyunsuk said and I handed it to Yedam so he could throw it to Hyunsuk.

  "Actually, I wanna start." Mashiho said and I looked at Jeongwoo.
"Don't worry! There's more casts at the hospital! We can be broken leg buddies!" He called and I flicked him off.
"Ready! Set! Hut!" Mashiho said and I took off ruining away from him.
"Jayla!?" I heard Yoshinori call so I looked up and closed my eyes as I waited for the ball to fall into my arms.
"YES! TOUCH DOWN!" Jihoon shouted as I caught the ball.

  I looked at Mashiho who didn't look happy.
"Do I have to keep playing?" I asked and Jaehyuk nodded.
"You're the best player on their team."
"Fuck off!" Jihoon said as everyone took their positions.
Doyoung was behind me, which I found a little weird because I was bent over.
I was too deep in thought to realize that the game started when everything happened so fast.
I caught the ball and then was immediately tackled.
Guess by who.

  I could taste blood in my mouth which caused me to get angry.
I started hitting Mashiho with all my strength and I wasn't surprised when he started hitting back.
"Hey! Stop!" I heard Jeongwoo say before the guys came over and started pulling us apart as we were still on the ground.
"Oh my gosh." I heard Hyunsuk say as he dragged me into the house.
"Why'd you hit him?" Hyunsuk asked and I gave him a 'really' look.

  "He freaking busted my lip!" I said and he sighed.
"Now was that before or after the fight?" He asked and I laughed angrily because he didn't believe me.
I stormed off to my room and got some things to shower.
I was taking off my onesie when I felt a sharp pain on my left arm.
"What the fuck!" I said to myself as I saw a bleeding bite mark.
Welcome to round two Mashiho.

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