Chapter 3

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    "You!"  Someone roughly seized my arm, digging their nails into my skin.  A startled squeak left my lips.  My eyes locked on the pair of hands wrapped on my arm, then they rose up to meet the cold dark blue irises of an unfamiliar face.  I was too enchanted by his eyes to be angry.  Long, wavy blonde locks of hair fell from his head, pushed to one side and clipped back by a small nordic cross hair clip.  A wave of realization swept over me.  This man was Lukas, who was wearing the green dragon mask previously.  His jaw was clenched with fury, and I felt his hold on my arm grow stronger.  The resemblance between he and Emil was uncanny.  There was no doubt he was the older brother Emil complained about often.  "This is all your fault, dum jente,"  he hissed, narrowing his piercing eyes. I was unsure of what to stay, so I didn't move.  I sat, my mouth open, appalled.  When I didn't reply, Lukas rose his hand, and slapped me square in the face.  I winced, then looked back up at him.  The other men gasped.  My cheeks were bright red, and when I touched them it still stung.  It took a minute for me to register what had just happened to me, but when I did I wasn't satisfied.  The blonde in the drivers seat handed off the wheel to Yellow Mask and slung himself over into the back of the van, rushing to your side.  He sent a glare to Lukas, then positioned himself in front of me.

    "Lukas, this is not her fault!  It's an unfortunate event, that's all.  Y/N is not to blame."  He defended me with a frightening gleam in his brown eyes.  His hands gently caressed my face, and he whispered something I couldn't quite grasp.  

    "Just an unfortunate event?!  Lukas dropped down to his knees and leaned over the fallen body.  If I wasn't mistaken, tears brimmed his long eyelashes.  "Tino, how could you of all people say that?"  The said man tending to my face, Tino, took a deep breath and sighed.  He leaned in to me, our faces in very close proximity to each other.  I bit my lip gently and felt heat rise to my face again, and I felt him place a chaste kiss onto my cheek before he smiled and moved to where Lukas was.  I chose to copy him and slid over to the two men.  I glanced up and saw Red Mask was next to me.  Grief filled my core, and my heart ached as I saw that the body on the floor was none other than Emil Steilsson's.  His once clean white suit was bright red, and a bullet hole the size of an almond in the right side of his chest.  The holes spewed blood, and it poured onto the floor and onto Lukas' pants.  Though Lukas didn't mind, he only had one thing on his mind: save his brother.  Two fearful eyes were wide, his breathing was ragged and uneven.  I refused to lose my friend.  He had been with me for too long, and I wasn't ready to just let him leave.  

    "Emil..." I stammered, holding my chest.  I had to swallow hard to contain the wails threatening to leave my throat.

    "H-he's still alive though!  We can save him!"  Red Mask anxiously turned to everyone in the vehicle.  He seemed uncertain.  "Right...?"

    "Yes, he's revivable.  It'll take a lot though."  Tino wiped blood from the corner of his mouth with his hands.  "And it needs to happen fast.  The cops are on our tail, we have to get to Hjem."  I perked my ears.  What's Hjem?  More importantly... where's Hjem?  I wondered to myself, still mildly confused about everything.  

    "Hjem.  How far away are we?"  the yellow masked fellow in the drivers seat finally spoke up.  The van shook again, the sound of the wheels spinning getting louder.  The siren behind us felt very close.  

    "Very.  But I have some tricks up my sleeve."  Lukas paced around the back of the van, his expression worried.  I was curious what he meant by that.  Red Mask took the area near the doors and kept his watch on the police chasing us.  Tino sat next to Emil on the floor, and seemed to be talking to him- though the Icelandic boy couldn't quite answer back.  My mind raced back to Emil, and I frowned.  Without him, I'd be all alone.  We were extremely close, that's why I felt upset when he didn't show up.  I looked forward to school only to see Emil and have long and meaningful conversations with him.  We both really disliked going there, so we stuck together the whole day waiting for the day to end.  Sometimes we'd go to each other's houses and hang out for a while, though when I went to his house I never once saw Lukas or Tino, or the two other men.  He never mentioned having more brothers, or any other family members really.  I recalled a day we were in his room and I brought that subject up.



    "Hey Emil,"  I called my friend's name, earning his attention and a confused look on his face.  He stroked the puffin on his shoulder.

    "Yeah Y/N?"

    "Where's your brother?" I inquired, expecting the same answer as always: "At work".  Emil hesitated, his eyes wandering from mine.  He opened his mouth to give me a reply, but I shoved a finger in his face and shook my head.  "I want a real answer this time."  He groaned, seeing how determined I was to know the truth.  I plastered a smirk on my face, finding pleasure in his discomfort.  He simply rolled his eyes and huffed.

    "Y/N, you know what I'm gonna say!  He's at work, he doesn't come back till late."  I wouldn't accept that answer.  His brother couldn't be at work all the time, it just wasn't right.  What about their parents?  Cousins?  I didn't know anything about his family, and he knew everything about mine.  It didn't add up.  I shot him a glare and tapped my feet lightly on the tan carpeted floor in his room.  "Seriously, I'm not lying.  Sometimes he doesn't even come back," he sighed, his body losing tension.  The corners of his lips tugged down into a regretful frown.  "If I see him soon, maybe I can introduce you."

    "I guess that's alright.  Just forget I asked, okay?"  I scoffed, tired of the same reply over and over again.  He didn't understand that I was only worried for him.  "I'm sorry he's not always here.  I can stay sometimes if you need me,"  I offered, forcing a tiny smile onto my face.  There was no doubt he was indeed, very lonely.  Now that I knew why, it couldn't hurt to ask if I could stay some days, right?  Emil's mood lightened.  

    "That'd be nice..."


    My mind was flooded with memories of Emil, and all the fun adventures and moments we shared together.  I felt my heart ease with the thoughts of smiling next to him.  Today wouldn't be the day those adventures would stop.  He would survive, and we'd make many more.   Lukas withdrew a small purple and velvet bag from his pocket and poured the contents into his slim hand.  It was golden dust.  He marched to the doors of the van, and hastily opened them.  A trail of cop cars with blaring red sirens were right behind us.  Lukas calmly inhaled and blew the golden particles into the air.  They danced in the atmosphere, wondrous sparkling stars.  "Reise Hjem..."  he chanted solemnly.  Now I was more confused than ever.  I brought my eyes up to look at Tino and Red Mask, who looked as if they were anticipating something.  Without warning, Red Mask enveloped his larger hand with mine.  My face reddened at his sudden action, and just when I didn't expect any more- Tino grabbed onto my hand too.  He took hold of Yellow Mask's hand, who took hold of Lukas' dusty yellow hand.  Lukas slowly touched and wrapped his fingers around the colder, numb hand of Emil.  With everyone holding hands now, that left the van driver-less.  Panic rose within me.

    "Guys!  There's no driver!"  They all ignored me, and closed their eyes.  My heart thumped loudly, and I whipped my head this way and that.  The room started to shift into abstract figures and motions.  I felt myself spin, and the colors inside the van faded.  Then the structure of the van completely vanished.  My vision grew blurry, and all I could see were the five shadows of the men floating.  A tiny white light came to view, and grew quicker and faster then bursted, filling the whole space.  Everything went dark.  



Dum jente- Stupid girl

Hjem- Home

Reise Hjem- Travel Home  


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