Chapter one

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Marina's POV

As I picked up the locket I smiled ever so slightly. Brushing my long wavy black hair behind my ear, I

put the locket on. I smoothed the front of my black dress and started on breakfast. Because we all did

everything around the orphanage, it was my turn to make breakfast.

"Well well well look who decided to do something for once in her life." A voice sneered behind me, I

turned around to see a group of annoying girls holding out plates, "well don't just stand there, give us

food!" One of them snapped. I glared and put the unfinished pancakes on their plates. "Trying to kill

us? Seriously! This food isn't even done!" A girl on the right screeched at me, "maybe if you didn't

come and barge in defending for food it might be done." I answered cooly, they all glared and sulked



"Marina!!!!" Ms. Eclipse screeched from down stairs, I put my book down and left my room. "What-"

an odd man was standing in the room, all of the girls were behind doors trying to eavesdrop. "This

man 'professor Dumbledore' claims he wants to talk to you, alone."


What could he want? I think to myself but show him to my room. "Ms. Marina Sylvia Riddle-" "How

do you know my name?" I snap before he can even finish, "I don't even know my name-" "You see

Ms. Riddle you're a witch." "That's not a very nice thing to say!" I snap at him, he smiles and

continues, "no I mean you can do magic, and you are invited to go to Hogwarts." "You're a doctor

aren't you?!"

Dumbledore's pov

She's having the same reaction as Tom, saying all the same things. "No I'm not." "Prove it." She snaps,

next thing she knows her closet is on fire. A smile manages its way onto her face. "I knew I was

different, special even." I try to hide the fear from my face but she frowns. "Why are you scared of

me?" She whispers. "Grab my arm please, we are going to the leaky cauldron-" "You can see it too?"

She squeaks happily, "of course, I'm a wizard." "No need I know that you are going to disapparate."

She tells me, "I can already." "If you want to-" and then she's gone.


"Ms. Riddle?" I ask and suddenly she's right next to me. I smile and show her the brick wall. "A wall?"

She asks quizzically I smile, tapping my wand on the second brick above the bin, the wall turns into

an arch. "Welcome to diagon alley." A smile grows onto her face as she runs in. "First we need your

money-" "I HAVE MONEY?!" She asks happily, I nod and lead her to bri gotta, scared for their

reaction. "Excuse me, we'd like to enter a vault." The goblin looks up and sneers "you got a key?" I

pull a key from out of my robes and he scowls. "This way." He tells us rudely.

Marina's pov

The little creature that I have found to be a goblin. Was quite rude "Amos florsanti echdaban" I told

the goblin, he turned and looked at me with a scowl on his face. "How dare you! You may be a

Riddle but I will never..." And he trailed off, Dumbledore could see the confusion on my face and

smiled, "Goblins." And he chuckled softly.


Vault 666 at your service. All of the blood drained from my face, "v-v-vault 666?" I stammered, "yes

ma'am now get your money you filthy witch!" The goblin spat at me, I stepped forward and saw it full

of money, but not the money I was used to. I was rich. I told myself, I grabbed my leather drawstring

bag and filled it with the coins, barely making a dent. "Ah Ms. Riddle lets go get your supplies now."

Dumbledore said and we were off.


I walked up to a store called Madam Malkin's and stepped in, "Hogwarts dear?" The woman asked,

she was dressing a young boy with messy black hair, round glass, and a lightning scar on his

forehead. A blonde boy swaggered out past me and smirked, "yes." I finally answered, "hello!" I told

the boy, he looked at me fearfully, "hullo..." He quietly answered, who I supposed to be Madam

Malkin looked up at me and gasped backing up, "h-hear y-you go H-Harry." She said to the now

named boy, I gave him a quizzical look and he returned it.


"Got all your stuff?" Dumbledore asked, I nodded and we set towards Ollivander's. A little bell rang as

we stepped inside, "ah Ms. Riddle I've been expecting you." Mr. Ollivander said when I stepped

towards him. "I will give you different wands until we find the one that suits you, after all, the wand

chooses the wizard." He told me, he pulled out a measuring tape and it measured me everywhere, no

kidding, and finally he returned with a long and thin box. "Oak with unicorn hair, 13 1/2 inches,

quite revealing." I held it and swished it around. Nothing happened. He took the wand and

summoned another, "Beech with dragon heartstring, 11 inches, surprisingly flexible." Once again

nothing happened. After what seemed the entire store he brought me a wand that was beautiful,

"Cherry with Pheonix feather, 12 3/4 inches, very strong." The second I touched it red sparks emitted

from the end. "Peculiar, this is one of the three wands." He said as he put the wand back in the box

and I handed him money. "The three wands?" "Yes you share a wand with the dark Lord and the boy

who lived." Scared I decided to leave, I was playing with my wand and making crows come out of

the wand when I realised something that scared me once more, first my vault was number 666, then I

shared a wand with the Dark Lord, then of all things I could make appear it was crows and last, black

cats were appearing everywhere now. Why were signs of satan appearing everywhere?


"9 and 3/4?" I asked myself when I saw only platform 9 and 10, I saw the boy named Harry from

Madam Malkin's speaking with a red haired woman with a lot of kids, "just run straight through the

barrier." I heard her say, after I saw them do it and disappear I decided to try it.

Suddenly I saw a scarlet train with the words The Hogwarts Express written on it I heaved my trunk

and Siamese cat onto the train. I found an empty compartment and made myself invisible, like I do

when I want to be alone or ignored when Harry walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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