Will Protect You At All Causes

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You have always been the type to not cry out for help unless you really need to, but you don't want to bother your boyfriend Mamoru with this situation. You were being followed and harassed. Why? Because you turned down a Mobster Boss that was so drunk out of his mind at the casino and all of his underdogs are out to get you. You know Mamoru wouldn't be home for a couple of hours, so you head to take a shower and maybe cover up the marks from someone pushing you down the steps earlier. You didn't want to worry Mamo so you were trying to think of a plan to handle this on your own.

Meanwhile, in the penthouse, as Mamoru walks in about to light up a cigarette Eisuke stops him. "Mamoru how has Y/N been lately?" He normally isn't the one to ask about a kid like her and how she is doing, she was my problem. "She been workin a lot but good why?". Eisuke crossed his arms and sits back "Really? Cause I heard she has been having some troubles" As Eisuke tells him the manager of the hotel has been worried about Y/N being followed, they found her in the stairwell and a man push her from behind. "She aint say nothing to me" Now totally frustrated on why you didn't ask or tell him you were in trouble or need help he plops down on the couch thinking and Soryu speaks up. "He is a Mob boss", "But what does he want from a kid like her?" Soryu shrugs and thinks. "Sell her, marriage, get to me, possibilities are high". As Soryu goes on about his plan on how to arrest this guy was great, this was the only thing about them being somewhat friends, Soryu beats them up and Mamoru arrests the damn guys. But Mamoru still had one more problem to deal with, and that's now to go home to his sweetheart.

As you were changing into clothes after your shower, you were checking yourself in the mirror, not realizing that the front door to your shared apartment with you boyfriend has opened and Mamoru stepped in. He walks over to the bathroom doorway and sees you looking in the mirror trying to wrap yourself up, he felt disappointed and a failure, all he ever wanted to do was protect you. "Let me help sweetheart" you jump and turn around seeing your boyfriend standing there without a shirt on and just pants with a worried expression. "Mamoru! I didn't even hear you come in!" as you realized you were trying to wrap yourself from getting  hurt, you drop the bandage and put your head down feeling tears about to fall. "Why didn't you tell me Y/N?" He spoke softly finishing wrapping your arm. "I.. I didn't worry you.." he lifts up your chin with his fingers that way you could look deep in his eyes. Worry, he was so worried.
"Sweetheart I need to know these things, there is nothing I want more than to protect you" he wipes your tears and you nod, "I'm sorry..I was just so scared.." He hugs you tight letting you cry, letting it all out.
"I will always protect you, your safety is the most important to me..I don't like findin out from the guys you are in trouble, hell I don't like them knowin about it before me to". You look up nodding "I'm sorry.. I will never hide anything from you again" he smiles softly resting a hand on your cheek, bending down he kisses you softly. "So what are we going to do?" you asked speaking softly and he quickly showed a meaningful smirk "Oh I'm handle it, we gotta plan".. 'plan' something you never know what it is cause you don't want to find out, nodding you just kiss him again.

That night, in his arms as you sleep peacefully, he promises to not let anything like this to ever happen again, you are his world and the only thing he ever wants to do is protect you and keep you safe. He swore to him, you will tell him things and open up to him more. The more he thinks about the conversation you both had the more he cant help but smile, he feels like in a way this both will bring you guys closer, but than again he never plans on letting you go anyways. Holding you a little tighter to him, you lay his head on his chest and he cant help but smile to himself. Yea you were his everything. Kissing your cheek he whispers softly "I love you Y/N", thinking you were asleep but you weren't going to let him know you were awake either, and since he cant see your face you smiled softly. Yea you loved him to, so much.

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