Fixing What He Broke.

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Dishes. Or some cleaning tool its always something simple but he doesn't mean it.

You were working late, and he came home before you, he knew you would be tired so he wanted to try and do something nice for you, he knows he isn't good at much but he always tried his best and that made you happy, he tried making you dinner, luckily he didn't burn your shared apartment down but he broke up of your plates from your set that your grandmother sent from Japan. He tried cleaning it up, and when he did he ended up making a bigger mess, he found super glue trying to put it back together but grimed at the aftermath of it.
You came home that night and gasp at the mess and once you saw the broken plate super glued back together you couldn't help but smile a little at his effort. You gave him a hug and you both share a passionate kiss, after hearing you laugh he looks at you confused. You go over to a cabinet and open it up "Its okay Mamoru she sent extra" and at that he just threw the plate away as you sat their smiling big because he thought of you and your feelings. He smiles back at you "Oh I hope this cleanin tool wasn't important either than" Holding up a broom that's snapped in half, your aunt sent you.

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