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"You are gonna drop her-"Gerard spoke nervously as he watched Cleo on top of her father's shoulders.

Bert snickered as he shook his head, spinning around a couple times to get a couple laughs out of Cleo, which of course worked. "Pretty, I'm not gonna drop her."Bert speaks confidently. They were on their nightly walk and of course Bert was going to be that extra dad who you always knew was trying to show off. Bert had been the one who suggested they do this every night. It got Gerard out of the office for a few hours, it gave the 3 of them family bonding, it got some energy out of Cleo, and it was a good chance for everyone to get some exercise. "I carried her everywhere as a baby and she was just as squirmy then."Bert smiles a little, holding onto Cleo's little feet while they walked.

"Speaking of babies..."Gerard nudges Bert a little. Bert may or may not have brought up the 'b' word in bed a couple weeks ago. He was ready for another. It just made him happy to think of Cleo having a little sister or brother. Gerard was on board but that meant that Bert had to see how Cleo would react. Gerard scrambled behind Bert when he saw him pick Cleo up off his shoulders, fearing she would fall. "Jesus baby-"Gerard shakes his head.

Bert sets Cleo down and holds one of her hands. "Hey Princess, what would you think of having someone to play with all the time?"He smiles down at his daughter while he grabbed his vape out of his back pocket. He knew Gerard was scowling at him. Gerard was definitely the more protective one and he didnt mind one bit. But it wasnt like he was blowing the smoke towards Cleo or anything.

Cleo jumped up a little towards Gerard. "Daddy hold my hand too!"She giggled happily. Until Gerard took her hand into his own.

Gerard couldnt help but smile as Cleo grabbed his hand. He felt like he didnt bond with her as much as Bert did and it made him really happy to see that it was just him overthinking. "Did you hear dad?"He asks as he swings his and Cleo's arms.

Cleo shakes her head. "I like when dad plays with me. No one else."Cleo nods, walking like she owned the whole goddamn neighborhood. Definitely a Bert trait.

"Yeah but what if I was busy?"Bert raises an eyebrow, picking Cleo up on his side so she could jump. He smiled down at her, looking over at Gerard to get him to help so it didn't look weird.
Gerard rolled his eyes and started to lift Cleo up at the same time as Bert did so Cleo could have her little moment.

"Then I will go to daddy!"Cleo giggled, loving all the attention she was getting from both her dads.

Gerard frowned a little at Bert. This was definitely a bigger fear of Gerards. Cleo had been the only child for quite sometime. She was use to getting all the attention, all the toys, everything. And now she was going to have to share that. "You don't want a little sister or brother baby?"He asks her, keeping his eyes on her as he feels her hsnd leave his own.

"Daddy can I get on your back?"Cleo asked Gerard, tugging at his jacket.

Gerard sighed and crouched down a little so she could jump onto his back. Once she was on he eyed Bert. "Walk behind me in case she falls."


"She doesn't want a sibling. She loves all the attention Bert."Gerard continues his ramble as Bert lies on the bed, vaping next to the window. "I dont want to just bring a baby into the mix if she isn't going to be happy. I dont want her to hate a baby."Gerard frowned.

Bert sighed, setting his vape down before he sat up. "Gerard. She isn't going to hate the baby. She might get jealous and she might not be happy at first but when she gets older she will love being an older sister."He tries to reassure Gerard, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, pulling Gerard into his lap. "Its gonna be okay, Pretty."He promises, kissing his forehead.

Gerard huffed, leaning his head on Berts shoulder. "I hate that you get so fucking calm during these talks."He pouts.

"Nah you love it."Bert giggled, running his hand through Gerards hair. "Ya know what I love?"


"That your juice is gonna make a cute fucking baby."

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