Just a game - ATEEZ San Fluff

27 2 10

Word count: 1396

Woosan fluff because they are too obvious. Wrote this forver ago, so some parts are cringe lol


San had never really liked kissing people. The thought of exchanging saliva with other people wasn't a very appealing idea to him, despite how easily he attracted men and women. But he did it; mostly so he'd stay attracted to one gender.

But he loved games.

Although winning was a preference, as long as he had fun everything was okay. When he wasn't around his close friends he tried setting his competitiveness aside so it would be enjoyable for everyone.

So when he was invited to go to a birthday party, he obviously jumped at the idea. Who wouldn't?

He was invited through a mutual friend so he had yet to know who's birthday it was- he didn't even know if they were a he, they, or even a she. Regardless, it was still a party.

He laid in the back of his friend Sungjeon's car, undoing the first two buttons in his striped black and white dress shirt.

He wanted to look fine, but not too fine. First impressions are important to him but he didn't want too many people swinging at him today.

After all, it was merely a birthday party. It wasn't as if he was going to fall in love or such.

"Hey, is it a boy or girl?" San asked his friend, propping up his head.

"Girl," he deadpanned, focused on the road.

"Why'd you invite me, do you think she would be okay with that?"

"Yeah. There needed to be an equal mix of boys and girls anyway so you evened it out. She was drunk when she asked me to bring a friend so don't fret if she freaks out a bit."

"Oh okay." San sat up in the car and leaned his head on the window, admiring the huge suburban houses they passed. His school was relatively crappy, so he wasn't very used to pretty things. "Is she nice?"

Sungjeon laughed. "Fuck yeah."

"Does she have a boyfriend?"

"It's complicated."


The two had started passing more trees signaling the park was nearing.

San felt awkward. He felt weird. Different. He had no idea what it was, but his excitement for this party doubled.

"Hey San, Boyeon!"

The sound of someone calling him was irritating to San, for he was enjoying the flirty conversation he was having with the agender in front of him. But when he turned to see who it was his mood lightened.

"What's up, birthday girl?" Boyeon said, tossing their beer bottle in the trash behind them.

"We're about to spin the bottle."

They gasped of happiness, "OMG, and there's so many hot people here too?" And ran off to where everyone was sitting on the grass, leaving her and San alone.

He looked down, a tender warmness becoming visible on his cheeks.

Once the silence started to feel awkward, she spoke. "Um, so I don't really know you. Personally."

"Yeah, me too. How'd you know my name?"

"Sungjeon told me."

There was another few seconds of quiet before Sungjeon interrupted.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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