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Name: Natalie Carter

Age: 23

Looks: Brown hair, green eyes as far as I know, fair skin, black necklace, and earrings

Traits: Nice, mean, adventurous, YouTuber, trust issues because of Xavier, funny, smart, caring, goofy, honest, open minded, out going, Musician and creative.

Likes: Sam eventually, exploring, making YouTube videos, hanging out with Sam, listening to music, singing, and memes.

Dislikes: Her boyfriend abusing her physically
and mentally, rudeness, bully's, and being told what to do.

Birthday: December 4th, 1996

Crush: Sam eventually

Boyfriend: Xavier Miller

Name: Xavier Miller

Age: 24

Looks: White-blonde hair, brownish eyes, fair skin, gold necklace, and two tattoos

Traits: Selfish, abusive, rude, liar, cheater, Overly protective, and cold hearted.

Likes: Hanging with his girl "friends", playing video games, skate boarding, being with the boys, and being on his phone.

Dislikes: Natalie running away, and Jail
Birthday: July 11th, 1995

Girlfriend: Natalie Carter

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