The Diversities

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Living in the world is like living king

But experiencing it is like a  pauper.

The world was named VIQTAR and it was divided into eight diversities.

The upper and the biggest one is called Supremacy, they're wealthy and well-educated cities and very powerful nations.

Second, the Steampunk merchants, the build-build program, and all repaired mechanisms are brought into the nation.

Third, in the Cursed Barrens or The Great Doom Cementary that no people can stay long unless they can protect their selves.  They say that monsters are lurking around following the trails of/her master.

Fourth, is the Grand Desert. Extremely hot. Goddamn, hot, even at night the hotness never sleep, some say that only one person has traveled and explored it. Completely survived.

Fifth is the Ice Land. This is the opposite of Desert, they say there's a huge voice howling and some chains dragging around. So terrifying. The mystery of it is half invincible because of fog and coldness, it makes our breath freeze after we exhale and the oxygen is much denser than normal.

Sixth, Oak. A magical nation led by the ancient druid Xegky, an elf. This nation is only for pure heart, with no bad intentions. This is only a myth but the rumors, there was a man who visited the place and he met a girl elf, gave birth in the nation.

Seventh, Folley nation. It's a nation of humans. Working people, vendors, etc. They only have tiny earnings to sustain their needs. Mixed people live here, also they don't have enough magic. The Supremacy called them chikukas, which means assistant or slave.

Lastly, the Amity is the place that has the most illegal activities and smuggled weapons, and crimes, and the boy lives there. Too young to be contaminated.

The world is blessed with wonderful nature and magic, it's a fine world, everybody was genuinely happy and they know how to use magic and spells to lighten up the world. It's an ancestor's gift, however, non-zika or non-magic folk called it a hoax. Not all of them have the power to create magic just like Swain Baron. An inventor and a scientist.

He's jealous, he can't create a simple spell even though he cast it very well.
He's hopeless. Then a terror has risen, the mad scientist invented a weapon that can absorb and steal magic and as a result of the absorption, it might kill a person.

So Baron moved and gathered non-zika people. They conquered the Folley and now the commoners suffered and lose all their earnings even poultry farms of chickens, pigs, etc. Some commoners try to defend there self by their small amount of magic. Even the leader, Mr.Argot loses his family and small business. But no, don't mourn yet, rise, a hero has come.

A hero with his thirteen companions.
The hero from the Amity.

His name was Kodiak Maddox Neolidad aka "Maddog".  

Maddog was a great leader of Valencia Chingas Nostra, a syndicate from the Amity it help the poorest among the poor.

An entrance with great action, he blinks into Baron's back, and he punches straight into the man's face.

"I'll have this one, all of you help the other. Chingas!!" he shouted with pride.

"Yes, Sir!" they answered in chorus.

Maddog pulled Baron and raised him and throw him in the air, he cast a torturing spell afterward.

"Grando Gitortu!".

Baron slowly falls in slow-motion, each second the mad scientist's heartfelt strange and pain. From the highest ground to the lowest it made it worst and worst. That's how Maddog torture's a bully and evil more than their group.

"This is the payback of what you did, faggot piece of worm" he finishes his words, and the scientist falls and DEAD. He walked around while fixing his big black cape, and he got more mad coz of what the scientist did to the nation.

Everywhere is on fire, screaming, crying, and begging for help. The nation is now a non-zika but he gave a little hope to the people, using his magic he raise his hand and flicked,
the houses are slowly repaired, and the fire is slowly disappearing.

After the war of Folley, Maddog and the rest retreat and go home. They leave like a bubble. No one can trace them.

Maddog visited his wife, Bellamy-Hella an elf.  She's the daughter of Xegky and she's pregnant.
Maddog is now a father, as soon as he entered the room he saw the baby and his wife.

A baby boy.

The couple names their son Tommy Boris.

But a week later, a riot happens in Oak. The Nexus raid it and kill a lot of people, half-blooded, and pureblood ancient beings.

He rushed and teleport using Mezopolitan tower, and headed. He told his wife to take away the child.
She nodded.

But then Bellamy followed him to save her nation and she kissed her son and put a pendant on.

"Oami loves you baby Tommy and Oada love you too. Take care, my son"
she said with teary eyes. The baby giggles then he cried. She put him in a basket and put it in the river, later it was driven away.

Maddog saw a disaster, blood is shedding everywhere. He saw the Chingas beaten and full of blood. He went mad, and Bellamy found him.

"Please, put away my soldier. Teleport them in a safe place," he said with a cold voice.

"I will always love you, Bella, never leave you"

Bellamy followed the order and cast a spell to teleport them.

"I will never leave u behind" she smiled.

A man suddenly appeared, Maddog blink and give a magic punch but it didn't affect the man. Bellamy uses her all magic to deal damage, still not working.

"Now it's my turn, you filthy couples," he said.

"Noxian Hunt"

The sky went black, the couple was chained and an Axe showed up.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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