Chapter 1: BURTALITY

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For decades humans had to deal with xenomorphs that have costed them so much time,soldiers,lives, and resources to the point they were getting desperate, And so operation Hammer was in action. Operation Hammer was a program where they would make there own weapon to destroy xenomorphs fast and effectively as possible. There result was the
xenomorph V30 or better know as Bruce.

[ quick note my king version is bigger than a queen by 20 feet and is 2x stronger and faster all while even being smarter than one too]

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[ quick note my king version is bigger than a queen by 20 feet and is 2x stronger and faster all while even being smarter than one too]

It was the greatest achievement of mankind!....When in reality it was a completely and utter failure, why? Due to how it was smarter than even a queen herself it learned to quickly that is was being controlled and caused millions of dollars in damaged in escape attempts. But this did not stop man! Man kept trying until they finally came up with a solution after nearly 3 years of nothing and money being spent on containing it!

General POV

Finally after years of nothing this program finally gives us something! To many years of funding down the drain. I was currently deep I see a military bunker which held V30 who was recently resurfaced on the weapon programs list as needed and I've come here to see it my self. I walked in the room to be met with 2 scientists talking before they noticed me. I walked up to the glass to see it my self.

Me:" So tell me what's the progress so far?"

Scientist:" Well sir we've got it to follow commands so success rates have gone up 24% sir."

Me:" what does it get for following orders?"

Scientist:" cigars it likes them but we had to make ones specially made for him so there bigger than ever. but these ones don't do damage to you over time like others these ones ac-"

Me:" That's enough I want a demonstration."

He nods and presses a button opening a small door where a xenomorph comes out and a nice lookin one too.

He nods and presses a button opening a small door where a xenomorph comes out and a nice lookin one too

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